Page 146 - Bonhams Auction Images of Devotion Oct. 2 2018
P. 146

           A GILT COPPER FIGURE OF CHAKRASAMVARA             銅鎏金勝樂金剛像
           NEPAL, 16TH CENTURY                               尼泊爾,十六世紀
           Himalayan Art Resources item no.61752             喜馬拉雅藝術資源網61752號
           10.5 cm (4 1/8 in.) high                          高10.5 釐米 (4 1/8 英吋)

           HK$450,000 - 550,000                              450,000 - 550,000 港元

           Here Chakrasamvara is depicted with an unusually benevolent   此尊勝樂金剛面容罕有的慈祥,猶如深受明妃目光感召。然而其凜然
           countenance, as if deeply touched by the gaze of his consort. Yet   氣勢絲毫不減,手持利器,雙腿闊跨,牢牢踩住腳底諸神。
           his presence remains powerful, heightened by the weapons in his
           hands, and his legs in a wide stride, easily crushing the prostrate   底座呈典型尼泊爾風格,其多層尖細的花瓣及連珠紋邊緣與另一尊
           gods below.                                       銅鎏金大威德金剛異曲同工,參見Grewenig & Rist所編 ,《Buddha
                                                             - 2000 Years of Buddhist Art: 232 Masterpieces》,弗爾克林
           The characteristically Nepalese base, with multi-layered pointy petals   根,2016年,頁338-9,142號。而明妃金剛亥母的腰帶樣式及主尊
           and prominent beaded rims, is shared by a gilt bronze Vajrabhairava   腳下諸神的姿態,亦與另一尊創作於1576年的勝樂金剛至為接近,
           published in Grewenig & Rist (eds), Buddha - 2000 Years of Buddhist   參見施羅德,《印度與西藏的銅造像》,香港,1981年,頁376-7,
           Art: 232 Masterpieces, Völklingen, 2016, pp.338-9, no.142. Also   號100D)。
           compare Vajravarahi’s girdle and the posture of the prostrate figures
           to a closely related Chakrasamvara, dated 1576, published in von
           Schroeder, Indo-Tibetan Bronzes, Hong Kong, 1981, pp.376-7,
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