Page 144 - Bonhams Auction Images of Devotion Oct. 2 2018
P. 144

           A BRASS ALLOY FIGURE OF TSANGNYON HERUKA          藏紐赫魯加銅像
           TIBET, 15TH/16TH CENTURY                          西藏,十五/十六世紀
           Himalayan Art Resources item no.61815             喜馬拉雅藝術資源網61815號
           8 cm (3 1/8 in.) high                             高8釐米(3 1/8英吋)

           HK$300,000 - 500,000                              300,000 - 500,000 港元

           Within the “mad yogin” (nyonpa) tradition of the Drukpa Kagyu   在竹巴噶舉派「瘋瑜伽士」傳統中有三位代表人物:藏紐赫魯加
           school, there are three main representatives: Tsangnyon Heruka   (1452-1507,”藏之狂人”),竹巴袞烈 (1455-1529,”龍派之狂
           (1452-1507, “madman of Tsang”), Drukpa Kunley (1455–1529,   人”),以及貢噶桑波(1458-1532,”衛之狂人”)。這幾大師中,藏
           “madman of the dragon lineage”), and U-nyon Kunga Zangpo (1458-  紐赫魯加最常出現在造像或繪畫作品中。許多刻劃藏紐赫魯加的造像
           1532, “madman of U”). Among these tantric masters, Tsangnyon   流傳至今,其形態特徵一致,易於辨認。此尊造像尺寸雖小,卻有無
           Heruka was most prolific. Many sculptures by him, or dedicated to   與倫比的氣勢。表面有光滑、黃油色澤的包漿。獸皮及織品都有細部
           him, survive to the present day with consistent iconography easy   塑造刻劃。
           to identify. This sculpture, while small in scale, has a commanding
           presence. Its surface has a smooth, buttery patina. The animal skin   下身衣物的花紋樣式及衣褶安排和一尊稍大的在2015年6月2-3日蘇
           and textiles are modeled and chased in fine detail.    黎世的闊樂拍賣行成交的拍品115號非常相似。另論兩尊類似作品,
           The floral patterns and draped arrangement of his lower garment   Pal,《Desire and Devotion》,2001年,頁306,圖版180號,以及
           are closely related to a slightly larger example sold at Koller, Zurich,   一件於紐約佳士得售出的作品,2015年9月15日,拍品39號。
           2 & 3 June, 2015, lot 115. Also compare with a similar 16th-century
           work from the John and Berthe Ford Collection in Pal, Desire and
           Devotion, Baltimore, 2001, p.306, fig.180, and another at Christie’s,
           New York, 15 September 2015, lot 39.
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