Page 174 - Bonhams Auction Images of Devotion Oct. 2 2018
P. 174

           A SILVER FIGURE OF WHITE TARA                     銀質白度母像
           DOLONNOR, INNER MONGOLIA, 17TH/18TH CENTURY       多倫諾爾,內蒙古,十七/十八世紀
           With polychrome decoration and separately cast gold jewelry with   附多彩裝飾,另附分別鑄造的嵌松石金飾。
           inset turquoise.                                  喜馬拉雅藝術資源網61744號
           Himalayan Art Resources item no.61744             高11釐米(4 1/3 英吋)
           11 cm (4 1/3 in.) high
                                                             1,200,000 - 1,800,000 港元
           HK$1,200,000 - 1,800,000
           Representing a high point in Qing artistic achievement, this silver   為特殊的供養人所製。分別鑄造的金臂釧及嵌綠松石的金項鏈極為罕
           sculpture of Tara is superbly modeled and luxuriously adorned, which  見,只有寥廖可數幾尊造像採用類似做法,其中包括一尊大黑天像
           suggests a special patron. The separately cast gold bracelets and   (收錄於施羅德所著,《印度與西藏的銅造像》,香港,1981
           the oversized gold necklace with inset turquoise are rare features   年,頁456,126A號);一尊十分相似的尊勝佛母,參見北京瀚
           only shared with a handful of sculptures, including a Mahakala in   海,2014年10月26日,拍品4493號;以及一尊觀音菩薩售於佳士
           von Schroeder, Indo-Tibetan Bronzes, Hong Kong, 1981, p.456,   得,紐約,2015年9月15日,拍品15號。
           no.126A; a closely related figure of Ushnishavijaya, see Beijing
           Hanhai, 26 October 2014, lot 4493; and a figure of Avalokiteshvara   獨特的橢圓面形與兩尊局部鎏金的銀度母像可比,一為洛克菲勒收
           sold at Christie’s, New York, 15 September 2015, lot 15.    藏(見Rhie and Thurman著 ,《Wisdom and Compassion》,紐
           The distinctive oval face can be compared with two parcel-gilt silver   術》,北京,2008年,頁228,圖4-16)。
           Taras, one in the Rockefeller Collection; see Rhie and Thurman,
           Wisdom and Compassion, New York, 2001, fig.26, the other in   度母衣著色彩繽紛,在造像中比較罕見,在十八至十九世紀為蒙古
           private hands; see Heller, Tibetan Buddhist Art, Beijing, 2008, p.228,   匠人所好。參見Jacques Marchais博物館藏之一尊白大黑天銅像,出
           figs.4-16.                                        版於Lipton著,《Treasures of Tibetan Art》,紐約,1996年,頁167
           The delightfully painted textiles are unusual for metal sculpture in   有相似之處,參考魯賓美術館藏的一幅白度唐卡(喜馬拉雅藝術資源
           general, but favored in Mongolia in the 18th and 19th century; see   網997號)。
           an copper alloy figure of White Mahakala in the Jacques Marchais
           Museum, and in Lipton, Treasures of Tibetan Art, New York, 1996,   闊至幾近長方型之蓮葉,師法多倫諾爾盛行之風格,並無可供直接類
           p.167, no.88. The designs imitate Chinese silks and draw similarities   比之例子;封底深陷,說明此像曾嵌於大佛龕中。
           with depictions of White Tara in Eastern Tibetan thangkas, such as
           one in the Rubin Museum of Art (HAR no.997).      來源
                                                             Benny Rustenburg,香港,2004年9月10日
           While the broad, almost rectangular lotus petals follow a style that   歐洲私人收藏
           was prevalent in Dolonnor, there are no direct comparisons, and the
           deeply inset consecration plate suggests that the figure was mounted
           on a larger shrine.

           Benny Rustenburg, Hong Kong, 10 September 2004
           Private European Collection

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