Page 20 - Bonhams Auction Images of Devotion Oct. 2 2018
P. 20

           A SCHIST FIGURE OF HARITI                          片岩訶梨帝母像
           With traces of ancient cinnabar pigments in recessed areas.   在凹陷處保有古代朱紅顏料。
           95 cm (37 1/2 in.) high                            高95釐米(37 1/2 英吋)

           HK$1,500,000 - 2,500,000                           1,500,000 - 2,500,000 港元

           For the first three quarters of the first millennium CE, Hariti was the   自西元一世紀到八世紀中期,訶梨帝母是古代犍陀羅地區的主要女性
           principal female Buddhist deity of ancient Gandhara with widespread   佛教神祇,她在中亞及中國也廣受歡迎。 當唐代僧人義淨在西元671
           popularity throughout Central Asia and China. When the Chinese   經過犍陀羅時,描述訶梨帝母的雕像很普遍地陳設於佛寺的食堂附近
           pilgrim, Yi Jing, visited Gandhara in 671, he saw sculptures of Hariti   (高楠(譯),《南海寄歸內法傳》,牛津,1896年)。然而僅有
           commonly installed near the dining halls of Buddhist monasteries.   約六件大型訶梨帝母像存留下來。在這幾件造像中,此件雕像是私人
           (Takakusu (trans), Record of the Buddhist Religion as Practised in   藏品中雕工優異並且很可能是最完整的一件作品。
           India and the Malay Archipelago, Oxford, 1896). Yet only about a half
           dozen large sculptures of Hariti survive. Among these, the present   此尊雕像詮釋訶梨帝母享於天倫之樂,被歡喜安康的子女包圍。一心
           sculpture is one of the best carved and probably the most complete   滿意足的男童坐在她肩上,很可能在演奏打擊樂器。另一個躺在她懷
           example in private hands.                          中正要去吸允母奶。一位童子被夾在她腳裸之間伸手取她手中葡萄串
           The statue shows Hariti surrounded by her healthy children   的男童在玩摔跤,一個男孩在輕撫在他腿上的寵物。她的兒子們被右
           engaged in happy childhood exploits. One content boy sits by her   側出現的人物吸引,表明這件訶梨帝母雕像可能原是一個造像群組中
           shoulder, possibly playing a percussion instrument. Another rests   的一部分。
           in her arms and motions to suckle from her breast. Another tucked
           between her ankles reaches for a grape from the cluster in her hand.   訶梨帝母皈依佛教的故事保存在許多古代印度及中國的經典中。雖然
           The cluster of grapes has a beautifully carved leaf draped in front.   本身是一萬個孩子的母親,食人鬼訶梨帝母慣例性的恐怖侵擾北印度
           Other boys by her feet wrestle, and one pets the head of an animal in  王舍城並吞食王舍城的孩子們。在安撫無效後,王舍城的居民們懇求
           his lap. To her right, something appears to have caught the attention   佛陀來鎮壓她。佛陀把訶梨帝母的愛子藏在自己的缽底下。失去愛子
           of her boys, suggesting this sculpture of Hariti initially appeared as   後訶梨帝母發狂似的找尋。當佛陀最後把孩子歸還給她時,他提示
           part of an ensemble.                               訶梨帝母要考量她所造成其他母親們的痛苦。在同情心的作用下,
           The story of Hariti’s conversion to Buddhism survives in many ancient   食品供物。
           Indian and Chinese sources. Despite being a mother to 10,000
           children, the ogress Hariti routinely terrorized the Northern Indian city
           of Rajagrha, devouring its children. After failing to appease, Rajagrha’s
           inhabitants beseeched the Buddha to pacify her. Underneath his alms
           bowl, Buddha hides Hariti’s most beloved child from her. This sends
           Hariti into a frenzy, searching for her missing son. When Buddha
           finally returns her child, he prompts Hariti to consider the pain she
           has caused other mothers. Struck by empathy, Hariti converts to
           Buddhism and, in exchange for food offerings, promises to protect its
           monastic communities and Rajagrha’s children.

           The Sheikh Dheri Hariti
           Schist, c.106CE
           132 cm (52 in. high)
           Government Museum and Art Gallery, Chandigarh
           After Bachhofer, Early Indian Sculpture, New York, 1929, pl.150

           高132釐米(52 英吋)

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