Page 24 - Bonhams Auction Images of Devotion Oct. 2 2018
P. 24

           A SCHIST TORSO OF A BODHISATTVA                   片岩菩薩立像
           85 cm (33 1/2 in.) high                           高85釐米(33 1/2英吋)

           HK$1,500,000 - 2,500,000                          1,500,000 - 2,500,000 港元

           Gandharan sculpture is a testament to the cross-cultural origins and   犍陀羅藝術乃是佛教藝術跨文化起源與早期傳承之遺證。公元前327
           early spread of Buddhist art. The carving would have been created   年,阿歷山大大帝入侵現今巴基斯坦、阿富汗及中國西部等地,藝術
           by cosmopolitan ateliers working in the Greco-Roman tradition that   家借鑒地中海雕塑傳統,以希臘羅馬風格進行佛教藝術創作,以滿足
           populated the region following Alexander the Great’s invasion of   當地佛教群體對石碑與佛像的需求。此尊古犍陀雕像,栩栩如生地展
           modern-day Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Western China in 327BCE.   示希臘健美體格及寫實風格,上述淵源尤其明顯。
           These well-trained artists drew on Mediterranean sculptural traditions
           when catering to the demand from local Buddhist communities for   菩薩均稱的胸腹以及健美身型,以希臘化的藝術風格語彙呈現菩薩的
           carved stone monuments and iconic statuary. This is all the clearer in   超凡脫俗。身著飾物則採用古典寫實主義美學,張弛如真,皺摺有
           breath-taking Gandharan sculptures that faithfully render Hellenistic   緻、飾物線條清脆,與柔軟的軀幹成鮮明對比。腰帶的細緻編結及衣
           athleticism and naturalism like the present lot.    褶紋飾堆疊,以及掛於左手的帔帛,充份展示此尊佛像的高超技藝。

           The perfectly carved muscular pectorals and abdomen express   此類大型雕像反映出三世紀時犍陀羅地區的佛教正從注重舍利與佛塔
           the supramundane quality of an enlightened Buddhist being using   的小乘佛教發展至注重造像膜拜的大乘佛教。匠師也從主要雕刻佛塔
           a Hellenistic vocabulary that represents the divine with idealized   上的敘事壁碑,轉為雕塑逐漸成為崇拜焦點的佛陀造像與菩薩像。
           athleticism. Meanwhile, the raiment and regalia draw on Classical
           aesthetic principles of naturalism, tightening and slackening over the   Behrendt曾研究一尊紐約大都會美術館之相關半身像(1987.218.10)
           body as if observed from real-life models. The varying pleats and   ,並以其身上的凸雕技法推定其作於四世紀,原因為此類雕塑技巧未
           crisp jewelry produce a dramatic visual contrast against the smooth   見於四世紀之前佛教造像。本尊造像以凸雕技巧清晰的呈現腰帶上的
           torso. The clarity around the waist of the knotted cord and bunching   編結,突顯右臂下的寶石。參見Behrendt著,《The Art of Gandhara in
           folds, and the coherence of the pleats wrapped around the left   the Metropolitan Museum of Art》,紐約,2007年,41號,53頁。
           armband, indicate the sculpture’s exceptional quality.
           These large figures reflect an important religious shift in Gandharan   Jonathan Tucker 及 Antonia Tozer,《Treasures from the Silk Road》
           Buddhism from the Nayika (Theravada) school’s focus on relics and   ,倫敦,1999年,3號。
           stupas to Mahayana’s emphasis on the veneration of icons in 3rd
           century CE. During this time, ateliers transitioned away from carving   來源
           narrative panels that lined the façade of stupas, towards sculptures   Spink & Son, Ltd.,倫敦
           of the Buddha and Bodhisattvas that increasingly became the focus   紐約私人收藏
           of worship.                                       Carlton Rochell Asian Art,紐約,2015年
                                                             Elizabeth與Willard Clark夫婦收藏,加州
           Discussing a closely related bust in The Metropolitan Museum of
           Art, New York (1987.218.10), Behrendt argues that the technique of
           undercutting supports a 4th-century date, being absent from earlier
           devotional images. This technique is similarly used on the present
           sculpture to crisply define the gem underneath the right armpit and
           the tied knot at the waist. (Behrendt, The Art of Gandhara in the
           Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 2007, no.41, p.53.)

           Jonathan Tucker and Antonia Tozer Asian Art, Treasures from the Silk
           Road, London, 1999, no.3.

           Spink & Son, Ltd., London
           Private New York Collection
           Carlton Rochell Asian Art, New York, 2015
           Elizabeth and Willard Clark Collection, California

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