Page 26 - Bonhams Auction Images of Devotion Oct. 2 2018
P. 26

           A POLYCHROMED STUCCO FIGURE OF BUDDHA             彩繪灰泥佛像
           ANCIENT REGION OF GANDHARA, 4TH/5TH CENTURY       犍陀羅,四/五世紀
           75 cm (29 1/2 in.) high                           高75釐米(29 1/2英吋)

           HK$700,000 - 900,000                              700,000 - 900,000 港元

           “Each central Buddha stands... with a slight flexion to the body, as   「每一尊中央的佛陀......身體微彎地站着,一腿屈曲,臀部輕柔地傾
           indicated by the bent position of one leg and the gentle thrust of   於一側,體態優美自然......雖然穿戴齊整,披身長袍緊貼身軀,體形
           the hip to one side. The forms appear to be rhythmic and natural...   無遺表露......臉部眼睛低垂,微笑柔和,表情精巧細緻,傳達出平靜
           Though fully dressed, the figures are clad in drapery so clinging it   和內省的情緒,以及佛陀內心的和平與寧靜。」
           reveals virtually all of the forms of the bodies beneath... [The facial   (Huntington,《The Art of Ancient India》,紐約,1985年,頁201-2)
           features are] characterized by the downcast eyes, gently smiling
           expression, and refinement of the treatment of individual elements of   Huntington憑藉這段話,總結了四至六世紀印度北部笈多風格的主要
           the face. A feeling of quiescence and introspection is conveyed by   特徵並且認定笈多時期是印度雕塑的黃金時代。她的評語也正好適用
           the face, expressive of the peace and inner tranquility possessed by   於這尊來自四/五世紀古犍陀羅的罕見灰泥佛像。此尊造像淋漓地融
           all Buddhas.”                                     合並重新詮釋了犍陀羅和笈多的雕塑風格。
           (Huntington, The Art of Ancient India, New York, 1985, pp.201-2.)

           With this quote, Huntington summarizes key features of the Gupta
           style of 4th- to 6th-century northern India, regarded as the golden
           age of Indian sculpture. Yet her words also aptly describe this rare
           4th/5th-century stucco figure of Buddha from the ancient region of
           Gandhara. This is because the sculpture demonstrates an exciting
           hybridity of Gandharan and Gupta styles.

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