Page 230 - Bonhams Auction Images of Devotion Oct. 2 2018
P. 230

           A COPPER ALLOY FIGURE OF KSHITIGARBHA             地藏菩薩銅像
           QING DYNASTY, 19TH CENTURY                        清朝,十九世紀
           Himalayan Art Resources item no.61798             喜馬拉雅藝術資源網61798號
           50 cm (19 3/4 in.) high                           高50釐米(19 3/4英吋)

           HK$400,000 - 600,000                              400,000 - 600,000 港元

           This figure, previously suggested to be Maitreya, belongs to a group   此尊地藏菩薩與另外已知三尊極為相似的造像同屬一組,原先以
           of three near-identical figures that are notable for the simplistic   為是彌勒佛。此組造像均佩戴簡單大方的珠寶、身體呈三屈式、且
           treatment of jewelry, finely detailed braided chignon and exaggerated   髮髻處理極為細緻。另幾尊已知造像藏於鹿特丹的民族學博物館,
           tribhanga. The other known examples are in the Museum voor   以及河內的越南歷史國家博物館,(分別見於Hugo Kreijger著錄
           Volkenkunde, Rotterdam and the National Museum of Vietnamese   《Godenbeelden uit Tibet》,阿姆斯特丹,1989年,編號20,及
           History, Hanoi (see Kreiger, Godenbeelden uit Tibet, Amsterdam,   Claude Pascalis著錄,《Collection Tibetaine》,河內,1935年,
           1989, no.20, and Pascals, La Collection Tibetaine, Hanoi, 1935,   圖版VII,XIII號)。另一尊於北京瀚海售出,2014年5月10日,拍品
           pl.VII, no.XIII, respectively). Another was sold by Beijing Hanhai,    2182號。
           10 May 2014, lot 2182.
           The patinated dark brown bronze is common to revival workshops   很常見。這組造像很可能參照了十一及十二世紀尼泊爾的彌勒形
           in China and Nepal of the 18th and 19th century. This group of   態,然而彌勒佛手持水壺而非訶子果(Weldon & Casey Singert,
           sculptures most likely imitate the 11th-/12th-century Nepalese form   《Sculptural Heritage of Tibet》,倫敦,1999年,頁 93,圖版13)。
           of Maitreya, who holds a waterpot instead of the myrobalan fruit
           (Weldon & Casey Singer, Sculptural Heritage of Tibet, London, 1999,   來源
           p. 93, pl. 13).                                   佳士得,紐約,1983年6月23日,拍品420號

           Christie’s, New York, 23 June 1983, lot 420

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