Page 228 - Bonhams Auction Images of Devotion Oct. 2 2018
P. 228

           CHINA AND NEPAL, CIRCA 15TH AND 19TH CENTURY       中原及尼泊爾,約十五及十九世紀
           Himalayan Art Resources item no.61753              喜馬拉雅藝術資源網61753號
           30 cm (11 3/4 in.) high                            高30釐米(11 3/4 英吋)

           HK$1,000,000 - 1,500,000                           1,000,000 - 1,500,000 港元

           This rare work of art marries expert Chinese stone carving and   此件軍持結合中原石刻及紐瓦爾金工,至為罕有。壼身為梨狀,以
           Newari metalwork. The vessel’s pear-shaped body, made of clear   高透度水晶製成,表面刻三螭龍遊走之高浮雕。螭龍無角,為傳說
           rock crystal, has been hollowed and carved with three undulating   中之瑞獸,意謂吉祥,早在漢朝(公元前206年至公元220年)玉器
           chilong (hornless dragons) in high relief. Chilong, a mystical animal   上已經出現。三龍形態各異,分別為公龍、雌龍、及幼龍,組成美
           symbolizing auspiciousness, has appeared on Chinese jade-ware   滿螭龍家庭。參見藏於紐約大都會博物館質素略遜之水晶螭龍瓶
           from as early as the Han Dynasty (206 BCE–220 CE). Each dragon   (館藏編號02.18.821a,b)。
           around the vessels has been afforded its own character. One has a
           large head and long beard, another is more feminine, and the last   本瓶之銅鎏金蓮花底及壼肩皆鑲有大顆水晶,令整體更添華貴。
           is a baby dragon – representing a harmonious family of chilong.   壼嘴為精工槌成的「摩伽罗」獸首,展示紐瓦爾之錘疊神工。壼嘴
           See a rock crystal chilong vase of lesser quality in the Metropolitan   邊緣不整,揭示本應接一較細之管,惜已失落。推測甚為類似載於
           Museum of Art (02.18.821a,b).                      Pal,《Art of the Himalayas》,紐約,1991年,63頁,27號之一件
           Meanwhile, the vessel’s gilded lotus foot and shoulder, both also
           inset with large rock crystals, add splendor to the object. Its spout   另參閱一件藏於加德滿都尼泊爾國家博物館的銅鎏金水晶祭瓶(星
           is hammered in the form of a detailed makara head, showcasing   雲編《佛教藝術百科》,高雄,2013年,頁362),該瓶之水晶壼口
           Newari virtuosity in repoussé. The spouts uneven edges suggest a   與本作品極為相似。
           thinner tube coming out of it is now lost. It was probably very similar
           to that of a 17th-century Nepalese waterpot published in Pal, Art of   來源
           the Himalayas, New York, 1991, p.63, no.27.        蘇富比,紐約,1997年9月24日,拍品5號

           See a gilt bronze mounted rock crystal ritual vessel, with almost
           identical crystal mouth, in the National Museum of Nepal,
           Kathmandu (Hsing Yun (ed.), Encyclopedia of Buddhist Arts: Artifacts
           & Decorative Art, Kaohsiung, 2013, p.362).

           Sotheby’s, New York, 24 September 1997, lot 5

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