Page 224 - Bonhams Auction Images of Devotion Oct. 2 2018
P. 224

           A THANGKA OF STHAVIRA RAHULA                      羅睺羅尊者唐卡
           TIBET, 18TH CENTURY                               西藏,十八世紀
           Distemper on cloth.                               布本設色。
           Himalayan Art Resources item no.61803             畫心:73x49釐米 (28 3/4 x 19 1.4 英吋);
           Image: 73 x 49 cm (28 3/4 x 19 1.4 in.);          裝裱:153x79釐米 (60 1/4 x 31 1/4 英吋)
           With silks: 153 x 79 cm (60 1/4 x 31 1/4 in.)
                                                             400,000 - 600,000 港元
           HK$400,000 - 600,000
           Rahula, the son of Shakyamuni, sits on an embroidered textile above   上的座墊。其身著華麗,袈裟寬大並繡有金邊,衣領獨特。其手持羅
           a rock. He wears a sumptuous gold brocade robe with an accented   睺羅尊者特有之金冠。畫面上方為釋迦摩尼佛與尊勝佛母,以示羅睺
           collar, and holds his identifying attribute, a jeweled tiara. In the top   羅尊者的阿羅漢果位與無邊智慧。
           corners are Shakyamuni and Ushnishavijaya, apt references to his
           arhat status and perfected wisdom.                樹上懸掛的捕蝶網為畫面增加了許多意趣,盤曲的松樹和茂盛的
           The presence of a butterfly net hanging on a tree branch adds   而此張唐卡應效仿一組明代永樂十六羅漢唐卡中的第十張所繪製,
           playfulness to the composition. Similarly, the meandering pine tree   詳見Simonet & Croës,《Splendor of Yongle Painting》,布魯塞
           and the plum blossoms play with the composition’s balance. Such   爾,2002年。類似的作品可參見雍和宮所藏的一幅乾隆皇帝禦製
           asymmetry in Tibetan art arrived from the arhat thangkas of the   唐卡,詳見《故宮經典:故宮唐卡圖典》,北京,2011年,頁271
           Ming Dynasty. This thangka would have been the tenth painting in   ,226號。
           a set of sixteen arhats adapted from a Yongle-period set (cf.
           Simonet & Croës, Splendor of Yongle Painting, Brussels, 2002). A   來源
           similar set commissioned by the Qianlong emperor from the   美國私人收藏,自上世紀八十年代
           Yonghegong is published in Wang, Classics of the Forbidden City:
           Tangka Painting in the Collection of the Palace Museum , Beijing,
           2011, p.271, no. 226.

           Private Collection, USA, since 1980s

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