Page 220 - Bonhams Auction Images of Devotion Oct. 2 2018
P. 220

           AN IVORY FIGURE OF WHITE CHAKRASAMVARA            象牙白勝樂金剛像
           QIANLONG PERIOD (1735-1796)                       乾隆時期(1735-1796年)
           With faint remains of red pigment on his consort Vajravarahi.    明妃金剛亥母身上殘留有少量朱紅顏料。
           Himalayan Art Resources item no. 61784            喜馬拉雅藝術資源網61784號
           8.8 cm (3 1/2 in.) high                           高8.8釐米(3 1/2英吋)

           HK$1,500,000 - 2,500,000                          1,500,000 - 2,500,000 港元

           This rare ivory sculpture depicts an uncommon form of the great   此件牙雕刻劃了白勝樂金剛,為本尊勝樂金剛的罕見化現。勝樂金剛
           yidam Chakrasamvara, known as White Chakrasamvara. Indicated by  雙手各捧一隻長壽寶瓶,其密宗修行可延年益壽。
           the pair of long-life vases in his hands, the tantric practice of White
           Chakrasamvara is designed to prolong one’s lifespan.   有關白勝樂金剛的修法有數個不同源流,而此作品所依據的由宗喀
           There are a number of White Chakrasamvara traditions, but the   特徵後經五世達賴喇嘛阿旺羅桑嘉措(1617-1682年)正式確認。此
           tradition represented here was formulated by Lama Umapa (14th   處勝樂金剛不同於常見形象,造型呈現坐式、一面雙臂,擁抱明妃金
           century), a teacher of Je Tsongkhapa (1374-1419). The iconography   剛亥母,金剛亥母手執頭骨碗兩隻。主尊與明妃表情略帶怒意、相
           of Lama Umapa’s White Chakrasamvara was canonized in writing by   互對望。
           the 5th Dalai Lama, Ngagwang Lobzang Gyatso (1617-82). Unlike in
           most other forms, Chakrasamvara is seated, has a single face and
           two hands. He couples with Vajravarahi, who holds two ambrosia-
           filled skullcups behind his head. With slightly wrathful expressions,
           they behold each other.

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