Page 218 - Bonhams Auction Images of Devotion Oct. 2 2018
P. 218

           A THANGKA DEPICTING SCENES FROM                   釋迦牟尼佛源流唐卡
           THE AVADANAKALPALATA                              西藏,十八世紀
           TIBET, 18TH CENTURY                               布本設色;每場景附金色藏文題記。
           Distemper on cloth; recto with cartouches in Tibetan gold script   喜馬拉雅藝術資源網7942號
           identifying the various scenes.                   畫心:80X52.5釐米(32X21英吋);
           Himalayan Art Resources item no.7942              裝裱:147X80釐米(58X31 1/2英吋)
           Image: 80 x 52.5 cm (32 x 21 in.);
           With silks: 147 x 80 cm (58 x 31 1/2 in.)         300,000 - 500,000 港元

           HK$300,000 - 500,000                              環繞着端坐於畫心中央的釋迦牟尼為六個佛陀轉世故事場景,來自十
           Surrounding Shakyamuni at the center, this thangka depicts six   一至四十六章:
           animated jatakas from the 11th-century Avadanakalpalata by
           Kshemendra. These correspond to chapters 41 to 46, namely:    第41章 《仙道王故事》
                                                             第42章 《童賢故事》
           (41) The conversion of King Udrayana              第43章 《金色王故事》
           (42) The Results of Pandita’s Generosity          第44章 《金手故事》
           (43) The Pure Conduct of King Kanakavarna         第45章 《阿闍王弒父故事》
           (44) Hiranyapani’s Hands of Gold, a story about actions in a previous birth   第46章 《知恩故事》
           (45) Ajatashatru’s Treachery, the evil deeds of a king and the consequences
           (46) Kritajna Discovers the Power of Truth        此唐卡構圖複雜、布局合理。一般此類源流唐卡大多只繪有三至四個
           Whereas, three or four scenes are usually represented on Avadana   卡可參見王家鵬,《故宮經典:故宮唐卡圖典》,北京,2011年,
           thangkas, the six occurring here are a testament to the skilled   頁149,111號,或喜馬拉雅藝術資源網874號 。類似作品亦曾售於
           draftsmen who conceived of this more complex composition without   邦瀚斯,倫敦,2017年5月11日,拍品13號。
           dwarfing the main figure. See other examples from Avadana sets
           in see Wang, Classics of the Forbidden City: Tangka Painting in the   來源
           Collection of the Palace Museum, Beijing, 2011, p.149, no. 111;   美國私人珍藏,於80年代購入
           HAR set no. 874; and similar example recently sold at Bonhams,
           London, 11 May 2017, lot 13.

           Private Collection, USA, acquired in the 1980s

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