Page 216 - Bonhams Auction Images of Devotion Oct. 2 2018
P. 216

           A RED GROUND CONFESSION BUDDHA THANGKA            懺悔佛紅唐卡
           MONGOLIA, 19TH CENTURY                            蒙古,十九世紀
           Distemper on cloth; mounted on silk frame.        布本設色,絲綢裝裱。
           Himalayan Art Resources item no.61758             喜馬拉雅藝術資源網61758號
           Image: 110.5 x 78 cm (43 1/2 x 30 3/4 in.)        畫心:110.5 X 78釐米(43 1/2 x 30 3/4英吋)

           HK$250,000 - 350,000                              250,000 - 350,000 港元

           By multiplying a golden, sacred image a hundred-fold, the painting’s   金色佛陀重現百遍,喻意祥瑞,功德無量。上師視此類赤金唐卡有規
           design and color scheme serve to amplify the merit it generates. The   避不幸之效。
           production of these red and gold thankgas were recommended by
           lamas to circumvent omens and misfortune.         一幅相關唐卡藏於烏蘭巴托的博格多汗宮博物館(參見Aubin與
                                                             Beguin,《Tresors de Mongolie》,巴黎,頁178,22號);亦可比
           A closely related composition is in the Bogdo Khan Palace Museum,   較另一阿閦佛唐卡(喜馬拉雅藝術資源網4086號)。
           Ulan-Bator (Aubin & Beguin, Tresors de Mongoli, Paris, 1993,
           p.178, no.22); also compare with another of Akshobhya painting   來源
           (HAR#4086).                                       James與Beverly Coburn收藏,上世紀七十年代早期
                                                             Beverly Coburn家族收藏,洛杉磯,2013年
           Provenance                                        歐洲私人收藏
           James and Beverly Coburn, early 1970s
           Estate of Beverly Coburn, Los Angeles, 2013
           Private European Collection

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