Page 212 - Bonhams Auction Images of Devotion Oct. 2 2018
P. 212

88 (detai)l

           A LARGE GOLD-BROCADED SILK TEMPLE BANNER          金絲錦緞寺院掛幔
           LATE MING AND QING DYNASTY, 16TH-18TH CENTURIES   明末及清朝,十六至十八世紀
           Himalayan Art Resources item no.61799             喜馬拉雅藝術資源網61799號
           1.2 x 7 m (4 x 22 1/2 ft.)                        1.2 x 7 米(4 x 22 1/2 英尺)

           HK$200,000 - 300,000                              200,000 - 300,000 港元

           The interior of Buddhist monasteries in the Himalayas are often   喜馬拉雅地區的寺廟內部往往充斥著繽紛濃郁的色彩,佛堂大殿常
           intensely colorful, covered by layers of paintings and textiles. Large   常掛滿了層層疊疊的唐卡及織品。如本拍品這樣的大型掛幔便是寺
           banners like the present lot are an important part of this decorative   廟裝飾的一個重要組成部分,常掛於集會堂的高牆上或是佛堂的入
           scheme, seen either along the high ceiling of an assembly hall, or   口上方。
           above the entrance of a chapel room.
           This wide banner pieces together imported silks from China,   色繡金織錦以及清代的三條橫向錦緞。在不丹的旺迪佐林宮的一個
           comprised of Late-Ming gold-brocaded strips hung vertically   佛堂入口門上方可見一件十分相似的掛幔,參見Kelly & Burkert,
           in various colors and three Qing horizontal bands. A similarly   《Himalayan Style》,新德里,2014年,頁156。另一件顏色類似的
           constructed banner, hanging above the doors of a chapel in the   相關例子掛於拉達克提克西寺聲名遠播的巨型彌勒佛像身後的壁畫上
           Wangdichholing, Bhutan, was photographed and published in Kelly &  方(同上,頁50)。
           Burkert, Himalayan Style, New Delhi, 2014, p.156. Another example
           with very similar colors is seen hanging above a mural painting
           behind the famed monumental Maitreya at Thiksey Monastery in
           Ladakh (ibid., p.50).

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