Page 209 - Bonhams Auction Images of Devotion Oct. 2 2018
P. 209

           NEPAL, CIRCA 17TH CENTURY                         尼泊爾,約十七世紀
           Himalayan Art Resources item no.61761             喜馬拉雅藝術資源網61761號
           4.5 cm (1 3/4 in.) high                           高4.5釐米 (1 3/4英吋)

           HK$250,000 - 350,000                              250,000 - 350,000 港元

           This meticulously carved bone stele exhibits the beloved subject of   此雕工繁複的骨牌展現了受人喜愛的雙身屍陀林主。該作品工藝精
           Shri Shmashana Adhipati (commonly known as Citipati). In spite of the   湛,藝術水平高超,不僅完美呈現了屍陀林主令人毛骨悚然的形象,
           macabre form, the carver depicts marital accord through symmetry   同時也通過雙尊一致的舞姿和相互凝望的對稱型態,刻劃了屍陀林夫
           and repetition between their mimicked poses and mirrored gaze.    婦間的親密與和諧。

           Described in the Secret Essence Wheel Tantra, associated with the   據起源於《勝樂根本續》的《秘密藏續》中描述,屍陀林主夫婦是降
           root Chakrasamvara Tantra, the skeletal couple are protector deities,   伏偷盜者的佛教護法神。菩薩道收藏中一尊較大的類似骨牌被斷代為
           particularly against thieves. A larger stone plaque attributed to the   十八世紀(喜馬拉雅藝術資源網 68326號)。然而細看這件作品蓮座
           18th century is in the Nyingjei Lam Collection (HAR item no.68326).   中蓮瓣細瘦、花萼簡潔而頭部尖翹的造型,又與十七世紀晚期至十八
           In the present example, however, the slender lotus petals with plain   世紀初期的鎏金造像樣式吻合,例如大都會博物館藏尊勝佛母像(館
           sepals and sharp tips correspond to gilded sculpture of the late 17th   藏編號 2007.75 a,b),以及2016年11月29日香港邦瀚斯拍出的銅鎏
           & early 18th centuries, such as an Ushnishavijaya in the Metropolitan   金大威德金剛像(拍品132號)。
           Museum of Art (acc. no.2007.75 a,b) and a Vajrabhairava sold at
           Bonhams, 29 November 2016, lot 132.               著錄
                                                             Meinrad Maria Grewenig與Eberhard Rist(編),Buddha - 2000
           Published                                         Years of Buddhist Art: 232 Masterpieces, 弗爾克林根, 2016年,
           Meinrad Maria Grewenig and Eberhard Rist (eds), Buddha - 2000   頁498-9,222號。
           Years of Buddhist Art: 232 Masterpieces, Völklingen, 2016, pp.498-
           9, no.222.                                        展覽
           Gilles Béguin, Dieux Du Tibet: Iconographie du Bouddhisme   Buddha - 2000 Years of Buddhist Art: 232 Masterpieces,Völklinger
           Lamique, Suilly-la-Tour, 2018, p.155.             Hütte ,弗爾克林根, 德國, 2016年6月25日 - 2017年3月5日。

           Buddha - 2000 Years of Buddhist Art: 232 Masterpieces, Völklinger
           Hütte, Völklinger, Germany, 25 June 2016 - 5 March 2017.
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