Page 204 - Bonhams Auction Images of Devotion Oct. 2 2018
P. 204

           A ZITAN FIGURE OF SHADBHUJA MAHAKALA              紫檀六臂大黑天像
           TIBET, 18TH CENTURY                               西藏,十八世紀
           Himalayan Art Resources item no.61773             喜馬拉雅藝術資源網61773號
           14.8 cm (5 3/4 in.) high                          高14.8釐米(5 3/4英吋)

           HK$200,000 - 300,000                              200,000 - 300,000 港元

           Carved from reddish-brown zitan, Shadbhuja Mahakala’s powerful   六臂大黑天氣勢磅礡,造型以華麗的紅褐色紫檀木雕成。六臂大黑天
           presence is rendered in the wood’s luxurious material. He emanates   為觀世音菩薩的忿怒相化現,以守護佛法為己任,此處更以其龐大的
           from Avalokiteshvara as a protector with a massive body, crushing   身軀降伏了代表無知的象頭神。他眉毛怒展,嘴巴猛張,如怪獸般的
           ignorance in the form of Ganapati. Shadbhuja Mahakala’s monster-  面龐表現出他難以平息的兇猛。木雕上的金紅色彩繪進一步突顯出大
           like face - eyebrows burning and mouth wide-open - expresses his   黑天的驚人氣勢。
           implacable ferocity. The artist further strives to convey Shadbhuja
           Mahakala’s amazing form with red and gold pigments.    大黑天的造型與火輪背光的的處理均與清宮收藏的馬頭明王鎏金銅像
           Both the modeling of the figure and the shape of the flame aureole   健碩的軀幹、誇張的表情和臉部的毛髮,幾乎完全相同。另外,蓮花
           are similar to a gilt bronze Hayagriva in the Qing Palace Collection,   座的簡單形式亦可與一尊紫檀藥師佛像比較,參看Theresia Hofer
           see Zangchuan Fojiao Zaoxiang, Hong Kong, 2008, p.198, no.189.   (編),《Bodies in Balance》,紐約,2014年,頁134,圖7.6。
           Their fleshy torso, exaggerated expression, and facial hair are almost
           identical. Also compare the simple form of the lotus petals to a zitan   來源
           figure of Bhaishajyaguru published in Hofer (ed.), Bodies in Balance,   Taoufik Bendahou先生私人收藏,巴黎,2014年
           New York, 2014, p.134, fig.7.6.                   歐洲私人收藏

           Private Collection of Taoufik Bendahou, Paris, 2014
           Private European Collection

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