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More recently, scholars have reinterpreted the scene, positing that   近期,學者們對此一場景提出了新的詮釋,認為其描繪了釋迦牟尼或
           it depicts either Shakyamuni or Amitabha joined by congregations   阿彌陀佛在天宮被諸佛陀菩薩們相伴隨的景像。Harrison和Luczanits
           of buddhas and bodhisattvas in their celestial abodes. Harrison   傾向於這樣的解析,同時也強調了僅憑不完整的犍陀羅藝術和參考文
           and Luczanits lean in favor of such an interpretation, while also   獻記錄進行研究的困難。儘管如此,他們指出這類場景是大乘佛教廣
           highlighting the difficulties of matching incomplete records of   闊的世界觀中最鮮明的早期藝術表現形式之一:”毫無疑問,[這些] 表
           Gandharan art and textual references. Nonetheless, they emphasize   現了兩種不同類型的成佛,即在現世活躍的應身(nirmanakaya)佛
           that such emanating scenes are among the clearest early   和我們所處世界之外的天界佛”(同上,頁108)。因此,兩位作者
           artistic representations of the expansive worldview of Mahayana   同意多數學者的觀點,認為此類犍陀羅作品是敦煌232窟中描繪阿彌
           Buddhism: “There can be no doubt that [these] representations   陀佛在淨土中被五十位菩薩包圍的壁畫的先驅(見Luczanits(編)
           are an expression of two different types of buddhahood, that of   ,2011年,68頁,圖4)。
           a nirmanakaya Buddha active in this world and that of a more
           exalted Buddha-manifestation beyond our common world” (ibid.,   吉美博物館保存了從現今阿富汗著名的古代遺址哈達所收集的相似
           p.108). Thus, the authors concur with many scholars that such   作品(《Afghanistan》,巴黎,2001年,頁131,61號)。白沙瓦
           Gandharan panels were forerunners to the famous mural of Amitabha  博物館有至少八塊展示了類似場景的石碑(Ali & Qazi,《Gandharan
           surrounded by fifty bodhisattvas in Sukhavati Heaven in Cave 232 at   Sculptures in the Peshawar Museum》,曼色拉,2008年,頁166-
           Dunhuang (see Luczanits (ed.), 2011, p.68, fig.4).    73)。考慮到此件作品可能只是構成一個複雜雕塑的一小部分,就像
           Stucco sections of closely related figures beside a meditating   經是多麼地輝煌壯觀。
           Buddha, collected from the prominent ancient site of Hadda in
           modern-day Afghanistan, are preserved in the Musée Guimet   著錄
           (Afghanistan, Paris, 2001, p.131, no.61). The Peshawar Museum   Nancy Tingley,《Buddha》,撒卡拉曼都,2009年,頁10,圖7。
           has at least eight stone panels that show similar Emanating Buddha
           motifs (Ali & Qazi, Gandharan Sculptures in the Peshawar Museum,   來源
           Manserah, 2008, pp.166-73). If we consider that the present large   Spink & Son Ltd.,倫敦 ,1990 年
           stucco panel likely would have constituted only a small part of a   Elizabeth與Willard Clark夫婦收藏,加州
           sophisticated ensemble, as in the case of Muhammad Nari Stele,
           then we are prompted to imagine how amazing and brilliant the
           sculpted walls of these major Buddhist monuments along the ancient
           Silk Road would have been.

           Nancy Tingley, Buddha, Sacramento, 2009, p.10, fig.7.

           Spink & Son Ltd., London, 1990
           The Elizabeth and Willard Clark Collection, California

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