Page 42 - Bonhams Auction Images of Devotion Oct. 2 2018
P. 42

           A TERRACOTTA PLAQUE OF A GODDESS                  陶質女神像
           FROM A BUDDHIST SHRINE                            斯瓦特或克什米爾,八/九世紀
           SWAT VALLEY OR KASHMIR, 8TH/9TH CENTURY           喜馬拉雅藝術資源網61802號
           Himalayan Art Resources item no.61802             高11釐米(4 1/4英吋)
           11 cm (4 1/4 in.) high
                                                             50,000 - 80,000 港元
           HK$50,000 - 80,000
           Her halo confers this figure’s deified status and, given the lotus in her   早期形象。女神呈三屈式站姿,蜿蜒的雙腿與寬闊的臀部承襲古印
           hand, possibly represents a very early depiction of the Bodhisattva Tara.   度對理想身形的追求。女神的扁圓臉型、淺髮冠與冠後髮髻皆體現克
           The artist moulds her in the tribhanga pose with sinuous legs and broad   什米爾的傳統風格特徵,類似一尊菩薩像亦出版於Pal的著錄(參見
           hips, evoking ancient Indian physiognomic ideals. Her compressed   《Ancient Kashmir》,新德里,1991年,頁84,10號)。作品亦可
           face, low crown, and recessed chignon are consistent with the Kashmiri   與魯賓藝術博物館的釋迦牟尼銅神龕中佛陀的隨從菩薩相比較(參見
           tradition, resembling a bodhisattva published in Pal, Ancient Kashmir,   喜馬拉雅藝術資源網65763號)。兩者都以類似站姿描繪菩薩,而神
           New Delhi, 1991, p. 84, no. 10. Also compare with the Bodhisattvas   龕上的火焰造型亦與本拍品邊緣的圖像相似。
           attending Buddha in a bronze shrine from Kashmir in the Rubin Museum
           of Art (HAR#65763). The figures hold similar postures and flank a   來源
           comparable treatment of flames to this plaque’s edge.    Elizabeth與Willard Clark夫婦收藏,加州

           Elizabeth and Willard Clark Collection, California
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