Page 46 - Bonhams Auction Images of Devotion Oct. 2 2018
P. 46
Himalayan Art Resources item no.61725 喜馬拉雅藝術資源網61725號
11.8 cm (4 3/4 in.) high 高11.8釐米(4 3/4 英吋)
HK$1,200,000 - 1,800,000 1,200,000 - 1,800,000 港元
Located along the ancient Silk Road, the Swat Valley was once a 位於古代絲綢之路沿線,斯瓦特谷曾是一個繁榮的佛教聖地,並以其
vibrant center of Buddhism with fluid artistic traditions. The invasion 獨具一格的藝術風格所聞名。五世紀前後由於匈奴入侵,佛教在犍陀
of the Huns in the 5th century curtailed Buddhism in the broader 羅一帶受到重挫,而斯瓦特得天獨厚的地裡位置為佛教的發展提供
Gandhara, but Swat Valley provided a safe haven. The small corpus 了一方安寧的淨土。斯瓦特造像風格匯聚了早先不同藝術源流,並
of Swat Buddhist bronzes is highly treasured for the sculptures’ 且深深影響了後世克什米爾以及藏西地區的造像風格,加上其存世數
unique hybridity of styles and their pivotal influence on later schools 量稀少,因此具有很高收藏價值。相較於鎏金銅像而言,純銀造像
of Kashmir and Western Tibet. At the time, rare and more precious 在當時更加稀有珍貴,而此件作品正是極為罕見的幾件存世斯瓦特銀
than gilded bronze, the present work is of few known examples cast 像之一。
in silver.
Exemplifying the artistic acumen of Swat Valley’s metal casters, this 明顯,與簡潔素雅的蓮瓣形成鮮明對比,妙趣橫生。蓮座深束腰,蓮
figure’s robe features prominent rippling folds, contrasting with the 瓣寬大飽滿,僧袍領大繞肩,衣褶呈工整U字形分佈等都是斯瓦特造
simplicity of the lotus petals to create a pleasing rhythm. The tightly- 像的明顯特徵。參照馮·施羅德先生著作《西藏佛教造像》中收綠的
waisted lotus base with artichoke-shaped large petals, the robe’s 幾尊極為類似的七至八世紀造像(香港,2001,頁32-3,圖2A-E)
wide collar across both shoulders, and the neatly arranged U-shaped 。亦可對比紐約大都會博物館藏的一尊風格相似的同時期石佛坐像(
drapery are all characteristic of works from Swat. See closely related 館藏編號1995.570.2)。根據造像背面伸出的榫子和未完成的僧袍推
examples made during the 7th-8th centuries published in von 測,此尊原本也帶有一單獨鑄造的背光。
Schroeder, Buddhist Sculptures in Tibet, Hong Kong, 2001, pp.32-
3, nos.2A-E. Another stylistic parallel is a stone sculpture of Buddha 白銀的產量在中亞及喜馬拉雅地區遠遠少於黃金,因此在斯瓦特、克
from the same period in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York 什米爾及同時期的西藏造像中銀只少量鑲嵌於眼部及白毫處,用以表
(acc. no.1995.570.2). Similar to the Metropolitan’s piece, there 現圓滿證悟者超然的境界。稀有的白銀不僅讓人賞心悅目,同時還傳
would have been a separately cast halo behind this silver figure, as 達著佛陀由內而外散發的微妙佛光。當整尊佛像都用白銀打造時,其
indicated by its unfished back and projecting tang. 高昂的造價更顯示出功德主虔誠堅定的信念。
In far shorter supply than gold within Central Asia and the Himalayas, 來源
silver is typically only used sparingly within the eyes and urna of 亞洲私人收藏,2008年2月
Swat, Kashmir, and Tibetan sculptures. It is inlaid in these instances 歐洲私人收藏
to convey the special consciousness of Buddhism’s enlightened
beings. Thus the material is not only deemed pleasing to the eye, but
conveys spiritual luminescence. This is amplified when the sculpture is
produced entirely from silver. The increased cost of manufacture using
the precious material was also deemed to accrue increased merit.
Private Asian Collection, February 2008
Private European Collection