Page 48 - Bonhams Auction Images of Devotion Oct. 2 2018
P. 48

           SWAT VALLEY, 8TH/9TH CENTURY                      斯瓦特河谷,八/九世紀
           Himalayan Art Resources item no.61731             喜馬拉雅藝術資源網61731號
           18 cm (7 in.) high                                高18釐米(7英吋)

           HK$800,000 - 1,200,000                            800,000 - 120,000 港元

           Surviving in excellent condition with a brilliant green patina, this   此尊釋迦牟尼像遵循斯瓦特造像傳統,鑄工精美,品相完好,綠色包
           finely modeled sculpture is a classic Swat Valley rendition of   漿明亮動人。佛陀端坐於獅子寶座之上,寶座以流蘇點綴,透著些許
           Buddha Shakyamuni. Here the historical Buddha sits on a lavishly   皇室的奢華。寶座下方為雙排蓮花底座,其下又襯以方形基座。學者
           ornamented square throne, supported by two lions at the front   Pal表示,此種寶座釋迦牟尼的形象將祂與皇室意象作連結,意為強
           corners and covered with a tasseled textile. The throne is elevated by  調佛陀在精神領域的權威,而蓮座更象徵了佛陀超凡脫俗的神聖的地
           a double lotus pedestal resting on a larger square base. According   位(參見Pal,《The Bronzes of Kashmir》,卷二,洛杉磯,1988
           to Pal, placing Shakyamuni on such a throne associates him with   年,頁68-9)。
           royal imagery and emphasizes his spiritual sovereignty, while the lotus
           base symbolizes his divine quality (see Pal, Indian Sculpture, Vol.2,   雙眼和白毫均以錯銀修飾,似乎意指釋迦牟尼已修成菩提。佛陀以溫
           Los Angeles, 1988, pp.68-9).                      和憐憫的表情俯視眾生,右手結予願印,左手輕握袈裟下擺。斯瓦特
           Shakyamuni’s enlightened nature is further signaled by his silver   石像。參見其他帶有類似底座、手印和衣紋的斯瓦特作品,施羅德,
           inlaid eyes and urna. Gently looking down with a compassionate   《西藏佛教造像》,香港,2001年,頁40-1,6A-C號,以及Pal,
           expression, he extends his right hand in the gesture of charity. His   《The Bronzes of Kashmir》,新德里,1975年,頁194-5,73號。
           left hand holds the hem of his robe. The iconography of Shakyamuni
           holding his garment is widely employed in seated Swat figures,   來源
           extending the idiom from earlier Gandharan stone images. Compare   意大利私人收藏
           the Swat stylistic treatment of the throne, gestures, and the robe’s
           evenly arranged narrow folds with that of a closely related example
           published in von Schroeder, Buddhist Sculptures in Tibet, Hong
           Kong, 2001, pp.40-1, figs.6A-C. Also see Pal, Bronzes of Kashmir,
           New Delhi, 1975, pp.194-5, no.73.

           Private Italian Collection

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