Page 52 - Bonhams Auction Images of Devotion Oct. 2 2018
P. 52

The fine facial features, for which this bronze excels, distinguishes   此尊造像刻畫入神的面部特徵明顯有別於較晚期的克什米爾造像。相
           it from later Kashmir types. Whereas the latter tend to have stuffed,   較於克什米爾造像中橢長渾圓的面相,斯瓦特造像中的面部則更加自
           somewhat bloated cheeks, Swat faces have a more pleasing   然可喜,具有笈多遺風。西元四世紀中期,笈多王朝的文化藝術隨著
           oval shape reminiscent of the Gupta style, that bore influence   疆域的擴張傳播到今日巴基斯坦境內大片區域,斯瓦特藝術也融匯了
           from increased trade after the Gupta empire subjugated much of   其影響。此尊菩薩鼻樑高挺,明顯異於克什米爾造像中寬圓的鼻型。
           modern day Pakistan in the mid 4th century. For the same reason,   雙眼刻畫優美對稱,也不同於克什米爾造像中抽象的眼部造型。菩薩
           his nose appears more aquiline than broader Kashmir examples.   下頜微仰的姿態氣宇軒昂,展現出高貴無比的氣韻。
           The eyes are elegant and symmetrical, whereas in Kashmir they
           can be unrestrained and abstracted. The nuanced portrait of this   大都會博物館藏有一尊十分類似的觀音造像(館藏編號2012.247)
           Padmapani, with a slightly upturned chin, is emphatically noble.    。另外,大都會博物館藏的一尊金剛法,和聖路易斯藝術博物館藏
           The Metropolitan Museum of Art has a closely related example   《Silk Route and the Diamond Path》,洛杉磯,1982年,頁100,
           (2012.247). Two other related figures of Vajradharma Lokeshvara   圖19&20。
           and Hayagriva are published in Kilmburg-Salter, Silk Route and
           the Diamond Path, Los Angeles, 1982, p.100, nos.19&20, held   來源
           in the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the St. Louis Art Museum,   蘇富比,倫敦,1995年4月27日,拍品182
           respectively.                                     歐洲私人收藏

           Sotheby’s, London, 27 April 1995, lot 182
           Private European Collection

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