Page 57 - Bonhams Auction Images of Devotion Oct. 2 2018
P. 57

           A BRASS ALLOY FIGURE OF VAJRAPANI                 金剛手菩薩銅像
           WESTERN TIBET, CIRCA 12TH CENTURY                 藏西,約十二世紀
           Standing on an associated, likely contemporaneous,    底座非原配,可能於同期鑄造。
           copper alloy pedestal.                            喜馬拉雅藝術資源網61826號
           Himalayan Art Resources item no. 61826            高14.5釐米(5 3/4英吋)
           14.5 cm (5 3/4 in.) high
                                                             100,000 - 150,000 港元
           HK$100,000 - 150,000
           This uplifting figure of the Bodhisattva Vajrapani belongs to an early   迷人特質。相關例子曾出版於Heller,《Early Himalayan Art》,新德
           group of Western Tibetan bronzes sharing a charming naiveté. Other   里,2008年,頁 118-9與頁126-7,38與41號。作品以簡化的形式借
           examples are published in Heller, Early Himalayan Art, New Delhi,   借鑒鄰邦印度克什米爾的風格,鑄工可見真摯與熱誠。雖然同時期亦
           2008, pp.118-9&126-7, nos.38&41. With simplified borrowings   有金剛手的寂靜相造像,祂的忿怒相化身則較常被採用。
           from the neighboring Indian Kashmir style, their casters express
           enthusiasm and sincerity for each subject. While found in this early   來源
           period, peaceful figures of Vajrapani are greatly outnumbered by   海蒂與烏爾裏希·馮·施羅德夫婦珍藏,韋森,2002-2010年
           bronzes of his wrathful form.                     歐洲私人收藏

           The Collection of Heidi & Ulrich von Schroeder, Weesen, 2002-2010
           Private European Collection
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