Page 54 - Bonhams Auction Images of Devotion Oct. 2 2018
P. 54

           A BRASS ALLOY FIGURE OF MANJUSHRI                 文殊菩薩銅像
           KASHMIR, CIRCA 9TH CENTURY                        克什米爾,約九世紀
           Himalayan Art Resources item no.61749             喜馬拉雅藝術資源網61749號
           7.5 cm (3 in.) high                               高7.5 釐米(3英吋)

           HK$200,000 - 300,000                              200,000 - 300,000 港元

           Manjushri wields a sword to dispel ignorance while a sutra of   文殊菩薩高舉智慧寶劍,斬斷無知愚昧,一朵飽滿的蓮花綻放於其左
           perfected wisdom blossoms from a lotus by his left shoulder. The   肩,上托一本般若波羅蜜多經梵篋。纖細的蓮莖隨披肩帛帶搖曳而
           lotus stem bends as Manjushri’s scarf flails, adding movement to the   彎,為造像增添了律動流暢感。菩薩面頰圓潤,軀體壯碩,腹部肌肉
           bronze. The Bodhisattva’s muscular build and rounded face reflect   刻劃寫實,體現出經典的克什米爾造像風格特徵。
           the sculptural style of Kashmir.
           Compare with a Kashmiri figure of Maitreya published in Pal, Bronzes   《Bronzes of Kashmir》,新德里,1975年,頁124-5,40號。其三
           of Kashmir, New Delhi, 1975, pp.124-5, no.40. The triangular   角形寶冠及編辮髮結亦與一尊九世紀的克什米爾蓮華手如出一轍
           crown and braided locks are also shared by a 9th-century Kashmiri   (參見同上,頁138-9,47號)。此尊造像歷經數世紀的膜拜與撫
           Padmapani (ibid., pp.138-9, no.47). This sculpture’s surface lasts   摸,表面的突出細節兼已磨平,留下一層溫潤靜謐、柔和亦富有光澤
           with rubbed details and a buttery finish, having been handled and   的包漿。
           cherished over centuries.

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