Page 50 - Bonhams Auction Images of Devotion Oct. 2 2018
P. 50

           A SILVER INLAID COPPER ALLOY FIGURE               銅錯銀蓮華手坐像
           OF PADMAPANI LOKESHVARA                           斯瓦特河谷,七世紀
           SWAT VALLEY, 7TH CENTURY                          喜馬拉雅藝術資源網61805號
           Himalayan Art Resources item no.61805             高13.1釐米(5英吋)
           13.1 cm (5 in.) high
                                                             2,000,000 - 3,000,000 港元
           HK$2,000,000 - 3,000,000
           This bronze figure of Padmapani Lokeshvara is remarkably well   緻入微。尖葉寶冠造型精緻繁複,以卷草紋飾點綴其間,髮辮分三股
           preserved with a polished, blackened patina. Its details are crisp and   垂於肩上。菩薩手中綻放的蓮花飽滿厚實,輕靠在菩薩肩上。下身所
           well modeled. The crown is complex with scrolling foliate ornaments   著僧裙衣料厚重,衣褶明顯。上身端直健美,挺括的肌肉與蓮座中寬
           over a patterned cap and triangular crown leaves. Tresses cascade   大圓隆的蓮瓣相得益彰,生機勃勃。藝術風格嫻熟的斯瓦特造像直接
           to his shoulders in three bands. The wide lotus is so nourished that it   影響了克什米爾風格的形成,而此尊作品無疑是斯瓦特造像中難得的
           weighs too heavily on its stem and rests on the Bodhisattva’s shoulder.  代表作之一。
           His lower garment has well-defined pleats. His torso is muscular and
           supple, sumptuous like the lotus base’s swollen petals. This exquisite   相傳佛陀在世時,斯瓦特谷考夏姆比地區的君王烏仗那贊助完成了首
           bronze represents the triumphing sophistication of the Swat Valley style  個佛陀圖像,斯瓦特也由此而聞名。後由於匈人大舉入侵犍陀羅國一
           as it is about to bear influence on the bronzes of Kashmir.    帶,使當地佛教在六世紀走向了衰亡。而地處今日巴基斯坦北部,富
           Swat Valley is made famous by legends surrounding the creation of   發展提供了庇護,繼犍陀羅後成為新的佛教聖地。隨著佛教的發展傳
           the very first image of Buddha that was commissioned during his   播,斯瓦特獨特的藝術審美逐漸被克什米爾造像吸收,隨後又進一步
           lifetime by one of Swat’s ancient rulers, King Udayana of Kaushambi.   影響了早期藏西佛教造像的藝術風格。
           Situated along the lush upper banks of the Indus river in modern day
           northern Pakistan, Swat Valley pivotally continued to thrive as center
           for Buddhism after Hun invasions had curtailed the religion in other
           areas of Gandhara by 6th century. Gradually the distinctive Swat
           aesthetic melted into the style of adjoining Kashmir. Thereafter the art
           of medieval Kashmir was seminal for the formation of early Western
           Tibetan Buddhist art and beyond.

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