Page 8 - Christie's Chinese Works of Art March 24 and 25th, 2022 NYC
P. 8

          8.30 AM (LOTS 701–775)

                                                                               PROPERTY FROM A PRIVATE COLLECTION                PROPERTY FROM A PRIVATE COLLECTION
                                                                               701                                               703
                                                                               A MOTTLED BUFF AND BROWN JADE BI                  A DARK BLACKISH-GREY STONE AXE
                                                                               DISC                                              NEOLITHIC PERIOD, LIANGZHU CULTURE,
                                                                               NEOLITHIC PERIOD, LIANGZHU CULTURE,               4TH-3RD MILLENIUM BC
                                                                               4TH-3RD MILLENIUM BC                              The thick axe with rounded, curved edges has a
                                                                               The thick disc has a central aperture drilled from   hafting hole drilled from both sides, and the stone
                                                                               both sides. The mottled buff stone is suffused with   is of a blackish-grey color with areas of brown and
                                                                               a dense network of brown and russet color.        russet mottling.
                                                                               5æ in. (14.5 cm.) diam., cloth box                6q in. (16.5 cm.) high, cloth box
                                                                               $8,000-12,000                                     $4,000-6,000
                                                                               PROVENANCE:                                       PROVENANCE:
                                                                               Galaxie Art (B. K. Wong), Hong Kong,              Galaxie Art (B. K. Wong), Hong Kong,
                                                                               27 November 1995.                                 24 November 1984.

                                                                               私人珍藏                                              私́珍藏
                                                                               新石器時代 良渚文化 公元前四至三千紀                               新⊅器時代ǎ良渚文٪ǎՌ元עो至˕千紀ǎ
                                                                               棕褐玉璧                                              灰黑⊅斧
                                                                               來源:                                               Ϝ源
                                                                               Galaxie Art (王炳權), 香港, 1995年11月27日                (BMBYJF "SU 	王炳權

     年  月  日

                                                                                                                                 PROPERTY FROM A DISTINGUISHED PRIVATE
                                                                               PROPERTY FROM A PRIVATE COLLECTION
                                                                                                                                 A LARGE MOTTLED BLACK AND BROWN
                                                                               702                                               JADE CONG
                                                                               A GREENISH-YELLOW AND BROWN JADE                  NEOLITHIC PERIOD, 3RD MILLENIUM BC
                                                                               BRACELET                                          The thick-walled cylinder has squared, projecting
                                                                               NEOLITHIC PERIOD, LIANGZHU CULTURE,               corners decorated with two rudimentary masks
                                                                               4TH-3RD MILLENNIUM BC                             each formed by two long horizontal bands above
                                                                               Of cylindrical form, the bracelet tapers from     a shorter band with rounded ends and a pair of
                                                                               the inner from the inner edge to the outer edge.   incised circular eyes. The blackish stone has areas
                                                                               The greenish-yellow stone has areas of brown      of brown and buff alteration.
                                                                               mottling.                                         4u in. (11.1 cm.) square
                                                                               3º in. (8.5 cm.) diam., cloth box
                                                                                                                                 The Property of a Private Collector; Christie’s New
                                                                               Galaxie Art (B. K. Wong), Hong Kong,              York, 4 June 1992, lot 174.
                                                                               24 November 1984.
                                                                                                                                 A slightly smaller cong of similar blackish-brown
                                                                                                                                 stone, but carved with only one mask register,
                                                                                                                                 is in the Winthrop Collection, illustrated by M.
                                                                               新石器時代 良渚文化 公元前四至三千紀                               Loehr, Ancient Chinese Jades, Fogg Art Museum,
                                                                               青褐玉鐲                                              Harvard University, Cambridge, 1975, no. 235.
                                                                               Galaxie Art (王炳權), 香港, 1984年11月24日
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