Page 97 - Bonhams Fine Japanese Art London November 2018
P. 97
(top) (base)
A RECTANGULAR FOUR LOBED SATSUMA KORO shoulders a rice bale in imitation of a palanquin (4) assisting an artisan
(INCENSE BURNER) AND EN-SUITE COVER at his trade (5) playing hide-and-seek (6) a tradesman carrying three
By Bizan, Meiji era (1868-1912), late 19th/early 20th century paper lanterns attached to the top of a pole; the shoulder with three
Decorated in enamels and gilt, one side decorated with thatched writhing dragons rendered in enhanced white, red and gilt enamels, the
dwellings sheltered beneath pine trees on a mountain’s edge neck with fronds of elaborate jewels extending from the rim beneath a
overlooking a lake, passengers being ferried across the lake in the band of floral motifs enclosed within shield panels; signed on the base
foreground, a mountain range in the distance and a winding daimyo Nakamura Baikei zo with a gilt seal beside a long attestation and self
procession on the reverse, the sides embellished with a profusion congratulatory inscription within a kettle-shaped cartouche.
of densely clustered millefleurs and applied with two upright bracket 12cm x 10.1cm (4¾in x 4in).
handles, the partially reticulated cover similarly decorated with a mass
of millefleurs and surmounted by a chrysanthemum finial; signed on £8,000 - 12,000
the base with a gilt seal Bizan. 12.2cm x 12.7cm (4¾in x 5in). (2). JPY1,200,000 - 1,800,000
US$11,000 - 16,000
£2,000 - 3,000
JPY300,000 - 450,000 Provenance
US$2,600 - 4,000 A French private collection.
180 For a similar hexagonal vase with indented panels by the artist, please
A FINE HEXAGONAL SATSUMA BOTTLE see Louis Lawrence, Satsuma: The Romance of Japan, Meiji Satsuma
By Nakamura Baikei, Meiji era (1868-1912), Publications, Tarzana, CA, 2011, p.220, no.150.
late 19th/early 20th century Transcription of self-congratulatory inscription:
Intricately decorated in enamels and gilt, the body with six recessed
lobed panels, each depicting a different scene bordered by geometric 該品尤モ
motifs within swirling wave patterns alternating with superimposed 精巧細美ヲ極タル
brocade ogi open fans, comprising (1) armour-clad warriors 物ミノ其使用所之画貝并
confronting a samurai outside a mansion (2) karako (Chinese boys) 焼金ノ如キ純良ナル品質ヲ
playfully surrounding Jurojin and Bishamonten (3) Chinese scholars 撰用シ殊ニ数回焼付[...]ベ
and karako being ferried across the lake under a full moon (4) warrior 他日変体之貴ナリ実ニ他之
and retinue hauling a large bell over water (5) family visiting a shrine 及所アラズ且ツ該品ハ其起工ヨ
(6) two passengers on a ferryboat being poled towards Mount Fuji; リ実ニ無数之日費ヲ此ラ
complemented by six raised petals encircling the neck, each enclosing 之ヲ造レリ普純良之物
a different figural scene, comprising mainly children (1) performing
the Kagura dance (2) entertained by a puppeteer (3) carrying on their 品タルハ敢テ贅言ヲ要セズ 奚
For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each Lot
please refer to paragraphs 7 & 8 of the Notice to Bidders at the back of the catalogue. FINE JAPANESE ART | 95