Page 98 - Bonhams Fine Japanese Art London November 2018
P. 98

(cover)                (self-congratulatory inscription)

           A SQUAT SATSUMA TEAPOT                            Provenance
           By Nakamura Baikei, Meiji era (1868-1912),        A German private collection.
           late 19th/early 20th century
           Delicately decorated in enamels and gilt with a sumptuous scene of   Transcription of self-congratulatory inscription:
           a falconry excursion in winter on the shores of a lake, the emperor
           concealed inside the palanquin borne by a retinue of attendants   該品ハ最モ精巧細美ヲ極タル
           towards the back, the courtiers and Imperial archers at the front   物ニテ其使用スル所ロノ焼金画
           watching the activities and hunting prowess of the falconer wearing   貝ノ如キハ其最モ純良ナル品質ヲ
           fur breeches, the hawking dog trainers and the beaters, a captured   撰シ数年ノ苦心経験ヲ以テ製
           red-crested crane in the left foreground, two captured mandarin   シタルヲ用ヰ殊ニ数回モ焼付シタ
           ducks carried on a pole at the back, four others in flight, a pagoda   レバ決テ他日変体ノ貴ナリ且ツ
           and pavilions nestled among snow-decked mountains in the distance,   此物品ハ其始ヨリ数十回金ニ[...][...]ノ
           the neck with a band of densely cluttered geometric motifs, the short   造レリ実ニ他ノ能リ及ブ可キニアラズ
           spout decorated in gilt wtih spiral tendrils, the rounded rectangular   信ノ美術精巧品トシテ実ニ愛ス
           silver bracket handle engraved on the exterior with a formal flower   ルニ足レリ普ク純良ノ物品ナルハ既
           head among foliage, the en-suite cover decorated with a procession   ニ世評ニ膾炙スル所ナリ因テ敢テ
           of several karako (Chinese children) performing the New Year shishimai   此ニ贅言ヲ要セズ
           dance and pulling a flower cart; signed in gilt just above the foot
           Nakamura Baikei zo with a gold seal and signed Baikei within a
           rectangular black ground reserve on the base; the inside of the lid with
           a long self-congratulatory inscription within an open book-shaped
           cartouche. 7.7cm x 14.5cm (3in x 6 11/16in). (2).
           £10,000 - 15,000
           JPY1,500,000 - 2,200,000
           US$13,000 - 20,000

                                                    For details of the charges payable in addition to the final Hammer Price of each Lot
           96  |  BONHAMS                           please refer to paragraphs 7 & 8 of the Notice to Bidders at the back of the catalogue.
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