Page 12 - Lungshan Pottery Lunshanoid Research 1977 Paper
P. 12


                                                 Chapter     2

                                    The  Lungshanoid      Cultures

                            The   great number of        Neolithic      sites   i n China which

                     have been discovered           i n the   last   one   or  two   decades have

                     been   classified      into    several    different     local    cultures,

                     such   as the Ta-wen-k»ou          culture,     the Ch'u-chia-ling

                     culture,     and   the Ch'ing-lien-kang          culture     (KKYCS     1 9 6 1 ) .

                     A l l  these   cultures     somehow share       a  similarity     to Lungshan-

                     l i k e  sites  i n the north; that        i s , they represent a mixed

                     or  transitional       culture between Yangshao            and   Lungshan.

                     K.C.   Chang    (1959) terms the        culture     at these     sites

                     Lungshanoid.        According to Chang          (19681    144),   these Lung-

                     shanoid    cultures     are   distributed       i n approximately       the same

                     area   as  the Yangshao Culture and            the   Classic     Lungshan

                     Culture    i n the north as       well    as  along the     southeast coast

                     of China     including     Centralsand Southwest Taiwan.                As  a

                     matter    of  fact,    the name "Lungshanoid"           i s the   by-product

                     of  his   earlier hypothesis of the            rapid    expansion      of   advanced

                     village    farmers     from   the North      China Nuclear Area         south-
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