Page 261 - Bonhams Catalog Cohen and Cohen Jan 24, 2023 New York
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Eventually these proved too expensive, and the venture was   One bottle vase is also known with this design on a celadon ground,
           abandoned in about 1740, though some of the designs were revived in  which is known on a pair of Archer vases (another Pronk design) but
           the later 18th century, including the Parasol design for which an original  otherwise very rare. All of which indicates that these designs are all
           drawing survives - and a ‘flowers and moth’ design recombining   contemporary and interconnected in their creation and with the Pronk
           details from prints by Marie Sybilla Merian - which had also been used   workshop production.
           for various other details in the Pronk designs. What remains today is a
           rare and fascinating range of porcelains, with distinctive coloring and of  For other examples see F. Gordon Morrill Collection, Doyle, NY,
           a very high quality.                              September 16, 2003, lot 25, where another five-piece garniture was
                                                             sold; also Christie’s Amsterdam, 18 November 18, 1997, lot 114; and
           These bottle shapes are uncommon, though similar garnitures are   Christie’s New York, 02 June 2 1994, lot 408
           found with the ‘Doctor’s Visit’, an established Pronk design, both in
           blue and white and famille rose. The coloring of the parrots closely   References: Williamson, 1970, plate XLII, a famille rose teabowl and
           follows that of the Meissen/Schenk design, also found on a Chinese   saucer with this design; Howard, 1994, p. 240, no. 284, a blue and
           famille rose example with white face, blue head, yellow forewings and   white five-piece garniture with the Pronk design, the ‘Doctors’s Visit’
           pink body. The Schenk drawing has not been found but it is possible   which has the same unusual shapes as here; and Jörg, 1980, p. 79,
           that he produced the designs for both of these parrots as they share   a famille rose ‘Doctors’s Visit’ bottle like these, which is also on the
           the same elements: cherries, a chain and a small tray attached to the   cover.
           perch seen in another pair of plates in this sale (lot 52).

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