Page 6 - Handbook of Tibetan Buddhist Symbols
P. 6

Handbook of Tibetan Buddhis#128  9/1/10  11:23 AM  Page v


                                                    Acknowledgments     ix
                                                       Introduction   xi

                       THE EIGHT AUSPICIOUS                      THE CHAKRAVARTIN                    36
                       SYMBOLS                              1
                                                                 The Seven Possessions of the Chakravartin
                          The parasol                       3    or the Seven Precious Jewels        37
                          The golden fishes                  5        The precious wheel               37
                          The treasure vase                 6        The precious jewel               38
                          The lotus                         7        The precious queen               40
                          The right-turning conch shell     9        The precious minister            40
                          The endless or glorious knot     11        The precious elephant            40
                          The victory banner               12        The precious horse               41
                          The wheel                        14        The precious general             41

                       THE EIGHT AUSPICIOUS                      The Seven Secondary Possessions of
                                                                 the Chakravartin or the Seven Auxiliary
                       SUBSTANCES                         16
                                                                 Jewels                              42
                          The mirror                       19        The sword                        42
                          The precious medicine            20        The naga skin                    43
                          The curds or yogurt              21        The royal house                  43
                          The durva grass                  21        The robes                        43
                          The bilva fruit                  23        The royal gardens                43
                          The right-turning conch shell    24        The throne                       44
                          The vermilion powder             24        The boots                        44
                          The mustard seed                 25
                                                                 The Seven Jewel Insignia of the
                       THE FIVE ATTRIBUTES OF                    Chakravartin                        46
                                                                     The unicorn or rhinoceros horn   46
                       SENSORY ENJOYMENT                  27
                                                                     The elephant’s tusks             46
                          Sight or form                    29        The queen’s earrings             46
                          Sound                            29        The minister’s earrings          46
                          Smell                            32        The general’s insignia           46
                          Taste                            33        The triple-eyed gem              46
                          Touch                            34        The coral branch                 46
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