Page 10 - Handbook of Tibetan Buddhist Symbols
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Handbook of Tibetan Buddhis#128 9/1/10 11:23 AM Page ix
rimarily I would like to express my grati- David Ford, Liz Specterman, Robert Svo-
Ptude to my partner Gill Farrer-Halls for boda, Marc Baudin, Judy Allan, Khalil
lovingly taking care of me throughout the Norland, Danah Zohar and Ian Marshall
many months of solitude in writing this text, for their constant friendship and generosity,
and for making many helpful editorial sug- and to Christina, Thomas, Kali, Mac, and
gestions. I express my thanks to Anthony to Mike, Phil, and Leigh of Wisdom Books
Aris and his wife Marie Laure, and to Shane in London. I would also like to thank my
Suvikapakornkul of Serindia Publications friends Edward Henning, Martin Willson,
for their constant encouragement, and to Martin Boord, Ani Tenzin Palmo, Stephen
Jonathan Green and the staff of Shambhala and Martine Batchelor, and Karma Phunsok
Publications in Boston. For financial assis- for their dedicated work and insight into Va-
tance I would like to thank Jane Reed and jrayana Buddhism. My thanks are also ex-
the Harold Hyam Wingate Foundation in pressed to my daughters Carrina and Rosia,
London. The layout and design of this book and to Helen for bringing such jewels into
was accomplished with the assistance of this world.
Toby Matthews in London, a man of great True democracy occurs when soul meets
skill, diligence, and patience. soul on the open road. There are so many
Gratitude is expressed to all my many fine people whom I have met upon this ‘road
friends around this world for their support. of the alone’ that have touched me deeply.
In particular I would like to thank Ani They know well who they are, even though
Jampa, Phunsok Tsering, Evan Dvorsek, they are not all mentioned by name.