Page 101 - Popular Deities of Chinese Buddhism (Illustrated) and Symbols
P. 101
8. T O A K
In whom who is thus. Om, the Seer, transcending the world.
9. H M S S M M
Oh Hari Great Being of Light! All, All, Garland, Garland
10. M M K K K
Core of the world! Make Success! Success!
11. K K V M
Triumphant success! Great Triumphant success!
12. D D S
Stand by, stand by firm, O Indra!
13. C C M B M
Shake! Shake! Liberate me from my mental disturbance!
14. E E C C H P
Come! Come! Listen! Listen! e joy that arises!
15. B B P H H M
Speak! Speak! Give the sigh! (Hulu Hulu Mala are words
of invocation)
16. H H H S S S S S S
(Magical sounds of invocation)
17. B B B B
Awake! Awake! Be awakened! Be awakened!
18. M N D
O friendly! e one with the blue neck, Worthy of being seen!
19. P S S S M S S
To the fearless, svaha! To the Powerful svaha! To the Great
Powerful, svaha!