Page 115 - Popular Deities of Chinese Buddhism (Illustrated) and Symbols
P. 115
u sien ’usa
amantabhadra odhisattva
Samantabhadra or Universal Virtue is known to the Chinese as
Pu Hsien and Fugen, to the Japanese. She is the personification
of love, sacred activity, virtue, diligent training and patience. In
the Chinese Pantheon she is seen in the triad with Kuan Shih
Yin (Compassion) and Wen-Shu (Wisdom) as the ree Precious
Bodhisattvas whose qualities make up the Buddha’s Essence. In
many Japanese and Chinese temples she is also found in the Trin-
ity with Sakyamuni Buddha and Wen-Shu Pusa (Manjusri).
Imageries of Pu Hsien usually show her seated on a white ele-
phant in various ways and holding a lotus flower or a scroll or
book. e elephant, normally in a standing posture, may be
crouching and may either have three heads or one head with six
Pu Hsien P’usa is well known for her limitless offerings to the
Buddhas as well as her Ten Great Vows which are directed to-
wards benefitting sentient beings. ey are:
1. To worship the Buddhas
2. To praise the Tathagatas.
3. To make offerings to all the Buddhas.