Page 114 - Popular Deities of Chinese Buddhism (Illustrated) and Symbols
P. 114
Manjusri Bodhisattva has many other forms which cannot be
fully described in a book of this size. Suffice it to say that, like
Avalokitesvara, he too assumes numerous forms — fierce or gen-
tle, one or multiple heads, two or several hands and legs, body
colour of yellow, white or even black, all of which have their
respective symbolic meanings. Each of these forms are but a
Wisdom aspect of the Buddha and one of them should appeal to
you as your object of worship. ose who are new to Buddhism
are advised to accept the forms as depicted in this chapter and to
avoid the esoteric or tantric forms for the time being. With firm
faith why not place your hands together and offer a prayer to this
wonderful Bodhisattva and experience his calming influence?
He may yet impart some wisdom to you to help you in your un-
derstanding of the Dharma which will lead you to eternal bliss.
Wen-shu P’usa’s festive day falls on the 4th day of the 4th moon.
It is not usually celebrated by many as those who are on the
Wisdom path are not too many in number, but students of Zen
Buddhism will most certainly treat this as a very special day of
the year.