Page 173 - Popular Deities of Chinese Buddhism (Illustrated) and Symbols
P. 173
I is therefore the ultimate link in the chain, the source
from which our pain and suffering arise. Once Ignorance is de-
stroyed by the gaining of Wisdom and Insight, then the whole
Dependent Origination will collapse.
Pictorial representation of these Twelve Causes and Conditions
can best be seen from the Tibetan Wheel of Life. At the rim
of the Wheel are the twelve symbolic illustrations, each repre-
senting one of the links of the Twelvefold Chain of Causation
whereby sentient beings are ensnared life after life. It can be ex-
plained thus:
1. A B M as primordial I.
2. A P as A which brings about Karmic
3. A A M as C.
4. T M B as N and F.
5. H W S W as S E
6. L-M as C
7. A I T E as F.
8. D as T or C.
9. A M G F as G.
10. A P W B or E.
11. C As B.
12. M C A C representing D which
results in D to be followed by rounds of birth and
death endlessly within the Samsaric existences.