Page 28 - Popular Deities of Chinese Buddhism (Illustrated) and Symbols
P. 28

e two most adored Buddhas of the distant past, whose exist-

            ence  were  revealed  to  us  by  Sakyamuni  Buddha  himself,  are

             shown seated by his sides. A B, e Buddha

            of Boundless Light and Limitless Life, the Creator of the West-

            ern Paradise (Sukhavati) where all Pure Land Buddhists hope

            to take rebirth into, sits on the right hand side of Sakyamuni

            Buddha. B-G, the Healing Buddha, the Creator

            of the Eastern Paradise, also known as the Medicine Buddha

            because of his healing powers, is seated on the left.

            Just below the Buddhas are the ree Great Bodhisattvas. A

            Bodhisattva or P’usa, in Chinese, is an Enlightened Being who

            forsakes Nirvana and accepts rebirth into the suffering worlds

            of Samsara for the sake of relieving the pains of sentient beings

            and leading them to the path of enlightenment. e six sam-

             saric realms or worlds are those belonging to the gods, asuras,

            humans, animals, ghosts and hell-beings.

            K S Y P’  or  Avalokitesvara  Bodhisattva  can  be

             seen seated just below Sakyamuni Buddha and is flanked by her

            two famous disciples ‘G Y’ and ‘J G’. Being

            the personification of Compassion, Kuan Yin is easily the most

            popular of all the Deities of the entire pantheon.

            W-S  P’  or  Manjusri  Bodhisattva,  the  embodiment

            of Wisdom, is the figure seated upon the lion which represents

            the ‘wild mind’ which meditation transforms. P H P’

            or  Samantabhadra  Bodhisattva,  the  personification  of  Perfect

            Activity and Happiness, is depicted as seated upon the white

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