Page 23 - Popular Deities of Chinese Buddhism (Illustrated) and Symbols
P. 23

the Ta-Hung-Pau-Tien that devout Buddhists offer their prayers

            and offerings of flowers, fruits and other gifts which are placed

            on the table in front of the main altar. Very often, behind the

            central images of this hall and facing northwards, is placed the

            images of Kuan Yin P’usa.

            e third, or Back Hall, at the back is usually divided into several

             smaller halls (Tien) or rooms. e central hall is generally the al-

            tar of a Buddha or a Bodhisattva, the right housing the funerary

            tablet of the temple founder, while the left may be the Teaching

            or Meditation Hall. On the side or behind these main buildings

            are the living quarters, the dining area and the kitchen.


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