Page 51 - Popular Deities of Chinese Buddhism (Illustrated) and Symbols
P. 51

in China as the larger part of its populace do not belong to the

             scholarly class. It should not be looked upon as a lowly method

            of practice for whether one chooses to practise the easy way of

            faith or the difficult way of wisdom, the ultimate goal is the

             same — just as one can climb up a mountain top from the north,

             south, east or west side.

                 T P L O A B (S)

                   e above illustration is from an old Tibetan Text which depicts

                   the granduer of Sukhavati or the Western Paradise of Amitabha
                   Buddha. It is a paradise which is rich and prosperous, comfort-

                   able, fertile, delightful and crowded with Bodhisattvas, Devas

                   and men. In this Buddha-field there are no hell, no animals, no

                   ghosts or evil spirits, no Asuras and none of the inauspicious places

                   of rebirth. It is empty of suffering of any kind. In this Pure Iand
                   sweet fragrance fills the air and it is rich in a great variety of flow-

                   ers and fruits, various plumed birds with exotic sweet voices sing

                   verses of the Dharma and bejeweled trees of many colours can be
                   found everywhere. Amitabha Buddha can be seen at the centre of

                   the picture surrounded by the happy beings of the realm.

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