Page 80 - Popular Deities of Chinese Buddhism (Illustrated) and Symbols
P. 80

Paradise of his spiritual father, Amitabha. No sooner had he

            emptied the hell of its inhabitants, within the next instant other

            beings were reborn there to fill up their places. Out of despair

            and grief in discovering the extent of wickedness in the world

            and  the  utter  helplessness  of  saving  all  mankind,  the  Bodhi-

             sattva’s head split into ten pieces.

            Amitabha  Buddha  quickly  came  to  the  rescue  of  his  beloved

            disciple and caused each of the pieces to become a head, placed

            them in three tiers of three, with the tenth head on top and his

            own image above them all.”

            us the Great Compassionate One was endowed with twenty-

            two eyes instead of two, to see all suffering, and eleven brains in-

             stead of one, to concentrate on the best means of saving mankind.

            As mentioned earlier, Kuan Yin is always accepted by the average

            Chinese to be a female Bodhisattva due to her various manifes-

            tations and legend in China. To refer to her as a male deity will

             surely cause many a brow to wrinkle up and pairs of confused

            eyes staring at you for the profanity uttered. is is because the

            great majority of her devotees and faithfuls are lacking in doctri-

            nal knowledge and it is for this particular reason that this book

            has been prepared. To them Kuan Yin is a great Being who can

            be counted upon for help under any circumstances for she has

            indeed helped countless others, so that just to have faith in this

            Goddess of Mercy is good enough and that the complicated doc-

            trines of the Buddhas should be left to the monks and nuns who

            will be there to guide them whenever the need arises. is may

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