Page 85 - Popular Deities of Chinese Buddhism (Illustrated) and Symbols
P. 85

Suddenly I felt a cool breeze on my face and, at the same time,

            a ‘thought’ crossed my mind that I would be having a baby after

            which I should serve Kuan Yin. is ‘thought’ seemed rather

            ridiculous as I already have two sons, aged five and two, and I

            certainly have no intention whatsoever to have another child. As

            for serving Kuan Yin, the thought was so foreign that I did not

            know what it meant. Anyway, this strange experience was soon


            e  following  year  I  conceived.  At  the  eighth  month  of  my

            pregnancy my gynaecologist informed me that my baby was in

            a breech position. He then tried to shift the position of the baby

            but  was  unsuccessful.  at  night  I  began  to  bleed  and  it  got

            worse the next day. It was then that I recalled the incident at the


            I had a strong desire to go back to the temple to ask Kuan Yin

            for help but my husband could not bring me there due to busi-

            ness commitments. However he did promise to take me there

            the next day.

            at night, I went into labour. At the hospital the water bag

            burst and soon the baby’s legs were out. e few attending doc-

            tors tried to deliver the baby and, after a few attempts, decided

            to seek the help of the off-duty consultant. I was frightened out

            of my wits and having no one to turn to, I burst into a prayer to

            Kuan Yin, pleading for help! Just that ‘instant’ thought of pray-

            ing to her and these spontaneous words that came out of my

            heart… and then, the most wondrous thing happened!

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