Page 87 - Popular Deities of Chinese Buddhism (Illustrated) and Symbols
P. 87
She must help me to overcome several obstacles. Somehow situ-
ations began to right themselves and I was able to worship Kuan
Yin with the least of obstacles.
Here is an incident which I would like to share it with others. On
the first day of January 1985 (Tuesday) I participated in the New
Year Prayer for World Peace during which e Great Compas-
sionate Dharani was recited 54 times amongst other Kuan Yin
prayers. During the chanting I happened to gaze at the Kuan
Yin image at the altar and I noticed a strange sight! e face of
Kuan Yin suddenly changed into a blank, like a mirror, and then
an image slowly formed in it! A hairy face appeared in it, darkish
looking which I thought was that of a monkey. is startled me
and I closed my eyes for fear of seeing anything unearthly. When
I had somewhat regained my confidence I looked at the Kuan Yin
face again. is time I saw the image of a kindly old man with a
very white beard. It appeared for only a short while after which
everything was back to normal. It was a strange but wonderful in-
cident which I can still remember vividly in my mind. At the end
of the prayers, I had yet another remarkable vision. As I was about
to get up to leave, I distinctly heard a voice instructing me to kneel
down ‘for Kuan Yin was still present’. My head was made to turn
towards the leader of the prayer group who was at that time talking
to a few persons while seated before the altar. I obeyed the inner
voice’s instruction and upon doing so, I saw white light emitting
from him. What was more amazing was that there was a kind of
energy-field which produced some kind of force which I could feel
even though I was some four or five feet from him. Time seemed
to be suspended and I had no idea of how long it lasted”.