Page 10 - Bonhams Dicker Collection Snuff Bottles March 2015
P. 10

Barbara & Marvin Dicker

Barbara and Marvin Dicker were both born and raised in               a psychotherapist specializing in geriatrics, a job she held until
Brooklyn, New York. They continued living there after they met       she retired. Barbara and Marvin’s grown children lived in other
and married, sixty years ago. In 1983, after raising their two       states or abroad. Their son, Craig is a diplomat with the State
children, Barbara and Marvin moved from the suburbs into             Department and Jennifer, their daughter works as a special
Manhattan to a spacious apartment on the Upper Eastside.             education supervisor. Twenty years ago, the Dickers made a
Marvin, having previously graduated from Brooklyn College            decision to move to the warmer climate of Florida.
and Columbia Law School, worked as a lawyer specializing in
labor law, representing management; a practice he continued          The path to snuff bottles came through Barbara’s newfound
for forty years until he retired. While living in New York, Barbara  fascination with Asian décor upon their move to Manhattan.
fulfilled a long-held desire by returning to college, earning her    While renovating their apartment, Barbara began to visit
bachelors degree from Mercy College and a Masters Degree             the major New York auction houses in the hunt for Asian
in psychiatric social work from NYU. She went on to become           accessories for their home. She soon became enamored

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