Page 11 - Bonhams Dicker Collection Snuff Bottles March 2015
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with the miniature antique Chinese bottles she noticed at the        Barbara and Marvin’s first convention was in London in
sales previews. They seemed to her to be the perfect item            1987, where they met the dealers that would have such
to collect, particularly in a New York apartment where size is       an influence on their collecting lives including Clare Chu,
always an issue. In the early ‘80’s books about Chinese snuff        Robert Hall and the late Robert Kleiner. Barbara and Marvin
bottles were few and far between, and like many collectors,          have always enjoyed the thrill of buying at the major auction
Barbara and Marvin chanced upon Lilla Perry’s book, Chinese          houses in Hong Kong, London and New York, and their first
Snuff Bottles, The Adventures and Studies of a Collector,            convention gave them a taste for this as Edmund Dwyer’s
published by Tuttle in 1960 and reprinted a number of times.         collection was for sale in London at that time. Lot 1008 is a
Captivated by the bottles shown within its pages, they started       finely molded and enameled porcelain bottle from the Dwyer
to look for snuff bottles in the City. It was not long before the    Collection, decorated with a five-clawed dragon in pursuit
collection of Janos and Erna Szekeres of Connecticut came            of a flaming pearl with a Daoguang mark on the base and
on the block in a two-part auction in 1986 and again in 1987.        of the period (1821-1850). Many members of the ICSBS
Although Barbara was not able to attend the first auction,           became close friends with Barbara and Marvin during
Marvin was able to go, and purchase three bottles, all of which      conventions, and they have always enjoyed adding friends’
remain part of their collection. Realizing early the importance      bottles to the collection when they became available. One
of provenance, Barbara and Marvin continued to buy at the            of their favorites is lot 1018, a superb and unusually colored
major auction houses. In the second part of the sale of the          carved agate snuff bottle decorated with two seated
Szekeres Collection, they purchased two bottles from their           scholars playing weiqi which came from fellow New Yorkers
favorite group of jades, which are in this sale. Lot 1095 is a       Fran and Bernie Wald, whom they spent many summers
very well-hollowed translucent white nephrite snuff bottle with      vacationing with in Cape Cod, MA during the Asian sales
its surfaces left undecorated to allow its tactile quality to be     held there every August. The summer they purchased this
appreciated. Lot 1092 is a russet and yellow jade snuff bottle,      bottle will never be forgotten by 25 snuff bottle collectors,
cleverly utilizing the skin of the jade, carved with a landscape     including Barbara and Marvin, as it was the year that
in which a scholar leans against the trunk of a gnarled pine         Hurricane Bob hit the Cape with 150 mph winds. Unable to
tree, his attendant at his side.                                     evacuate, the collectors were holed up at the Skaket Beach
                                                                     Hotel for three days without power, living on canned tuna
Collecting snuff bottles is not just about the object, as it can,    and champagne! Snuff bottles were the common interest of
if the collector wishes, involve him or her in a life of great       the group, a favored topic of conversation during the storm!
camaraderie, shared interests and enduring friendships. Barbara
and Marvin have been members of the International Chinese            Barbara and Marvin always enjoyed displaying their collection
Snuff Bottle Society since 1986. At that very first auction, Marvin  at home in New York and subsequently Florida, where it
was approached by a fellow collector, and now long-time              could be viewed by visiting collectors. They added bottles
friend, Bud Exstein as he was waiting to collect his first three     that were intriguing and irresistible, such as lot 1029, a
snuff bottles. Bud Exstein asked if Marvin was a new collector       rare and highly unusual Duanstone bottle in three colors
and then told him about the Society. Bud also invited Barbara        of ochre, olive green and purplish-brown, carved with a
and Marvin to attend a meeting of the Metropolitan Society           figure in a landscape on one side and on the other a crane
(a local branch of the ICSBS), starting a thirty-year adventure      with outstretched wings beside a recumbent deer from the
in the collecting world of snuff bottles. Barbara became great       White Wings Collection, and illustrated in the accompanying
friends with Bud’s wife, Babs Exstein, and when her collection       catalogue of that collection. Always aware of the importance
was sold at auction in 2002, they purchased a number of the          of provenance, they kept meticulous records of their
Exstein bottles. Lot 1072, is a charming and well-carved coral       purchases that not only help to establish attributions, but
snuff bottle, carved on both sides with two Daoist Immortals, Li     also builds up a picture of their collecting life as bottles pass
Tieguai and He Xianggu beside a pine and plantain tree, from         from one collector to another.
the Exstein collection, having been acquired by the Exstein’s in
the early 20th century from Hilda Somers.                            As the years pass, and Barbara and Marvin are about to
                                                                     move to a smaller house, they feel the time has come to
Both Barbara and Marvin have been active in the International        share their collection with other enthusiastic collectors who
Chinese Snuff Bottle Society throughout the last thirty years,       will enjoy their bottles as much as they have. They will not
both serving as directors of the Board at different periods          be parting with one favorite bottle, which has been part of
of time. They have attended every convention, but four,              their collection for over twenty-five years. Given to them one
worldwide, since 1987, including two in Palm Beach, Fl.,             New Years Day by Fran and Bernie Wald, it is a cinnabar-
which they co-chaired, hosting a fine lunch at the Country           red overlay on a brown ground, decorated with five bats
Club there in 1997. Many of the bottles in this auction were         around a shou medallion, fashioned entirely from chocolate!
selected to be exhibited at the Norton Museum of Art in West         Needless to say it has not been on display, but lives in their
Palm Beach during the convention in 1997, such as lot 1014,          freezer and will be moving with them!
a finely carved agate snuff bottle depicting two monkeys sitting
on a rock, one holding a peach and lot 1028, a magnificent           Bonhams are honored to be part of this process, and to
blue enameled and slip decorated Yixing snuff bottle                 work with collectors such as Barbara and Marvin Dicker.
decorated with the familiar theme of a pair of doves and a pair      It is our hope that these bottles will find similar homes
of Pekinese dogs, symbolizing conjugal bliss. Barbara was a          amongst equally passionate collectors around the world,
docent at the museum for fifteen years, specializing in tours of     where they can be similarly displayed and appreciated by
the Chinese art on view.                                             those around them.

Fine Chinese Snuff Bottles from the Collection of Barbara and Marvin Dicker | 9
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