Page 180 - Christie's Asian Art Auctions PARIS December 2019
P. 180

                                                              STATUE DE HAYAGRIVA EN BRONZE
                                                              TIBET, XVEME SIECLE
                                                              Il est représenté avec ses quatre jambes en pratyalidhasana  sur une base
                                                              lotiforme, deux de ses six bras enlaçant sa sakti, ses mains principales tenant
                                                              le cœur et le kapala. Il est vêtu d'une peau de tigre, paré de bijoux, les ailes
                                                              déployées, ses trois têtes menaçantes, les cheveux en fammes dressées d'où
                                                              surgit une tête de cheval ; sa sakti tenant le kapala de la main gauche, la droite
                                                              un cœur ; scellée.
                                                              Hauteur: 16,5 cm. (6Ω in.)
                                                              €10,000-15,000                       US$12,000-17,000
                                                              The Private Collection of Lionel and Danielle Fournier of Himalayan Art, France,
                                                              collected in Europe during 1970s-1980s.

                                                              D. I. Lauf, ‘Divinités Terribles du bouddhisme Vajrayana’, Galerie Marco Polo,
                                                              Paris Spring 1978, pl. 23
                                                              He can be recognised by the horse-head topping his hair-dress. Hayagriva
                                                              (‘horse-neck’) is an important deity in Tibet, Mongolia and China as their large
                                                              nomadic community adopted him as protector of horses. He is considered to
                                                              be a defender of the Buddhist faith and is as well a tutelary deity. This rare
                                                              esoteric example tramples in pratyalidhasana on some snakes, embraces his
                                                              consort Vajravarahi and has a pair of wings behind. The base is engraved with
                                                              an inscription giving his name.
                                                              A BRONZE FIGURE OF HAYAGRIVA
                                                              TIBET, 15TH CENTURY
                                                              西藏 十五世紀 銅馬頭明王及佛母立像
              220                                             著錄:D. I. Lauf, ‘Divinites Terribles du bouddhisme Vajrayana’, Galerie
              RARE STATUE DE GURU DRAGPOCHE EN BRONZE         Marco Polo, Paris Spring 1978, pl. 23
              TIBET, XVEME SIECLE                             來源:法國藏家Lionel及Danielle Fournier重要喜馬拉雅藝術珍藏,於1970
              Il est représenté en pratyalidhasana piétinant deux divinités placées
              sur une base lotiforme. Sa main droite brandit le vajra, la gauche
              tenant le scorpion. Il est vêtu de dhoti et d'une peau d'éléphant, son
              torse paré de bijoux. Son visage est féroce ; non-scellée.
              Hauteur: 13,4 cm. (5º in.)
              €8,000-12,000                  US$8,900-13,000

              The Private Collection of Lionel and Danielle Fournier of Himalayan
              Art, France, collected in Europe during 1970s-1980s.
              D. I. Lauf, ‘Divinites Terribles du bouddhisme Vajrayana’, Galerie Marco
              Polo, Paris Spring 1978, pl. 41
              The pot-bellied fgure stands in pratyalidhasana  on a lotus base
              and  holds  the  vajra  and scorpion. The latter identifes him as a
              manifestation of Padmasambhava who according to legend went in
              the eight century from India to Tibet to subdue demonic forces which
              hindered the introduction of the Buddhist teachings. He established
              tantric Buddhism in Tibet. This specifc form of Guru Dragpoche is
              the most popular wrathful emanation of Padmasambhava though just
              worshipped by followers of the Nyingmapa order.
              TIBET, 15TH CENTURY
              西藏 十五世紀 銅忿怒蓮師坐像
              著錄:D. I. Lauf, ‘Divinités Terribles du bouddhisme Vajrayana’,
              Galerie Marco Polo, Paris Spring 1978, pl. 41
              來源:法國藏家Lionel及Danielle Fournier重要喜馬拉雅藝術珍


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