Page 42 - Christie's Asian Art Auctions PARIS December 2019
P. 42

                        DEPICTING BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS ON NAN’AO ISLAND,                                      Buddha  hand  citron,  vase  fowers,  literary  scrolls,  and  the  like.  Zeng  The border on the other side is similarly decorated with auspicious motifs.
                                                                                                               Huagai passed the jinshi examination in 1670 (Kangxi 9). Yang Jiarui was   In  the  centre,  though  the  painting  is  reminiscent  of  the  commonly-seen
                                         KANGXI PERIOD (1662-1722)                                             the frst Qing commander at the Nan’ao General Headquarters. The rest   birthday congratulatory format, e.g., Guoziyibaishou  (Guo  Ziyi  Receiving
                                                                                                               of the 21 people were oficers and soldiers in the south-eastern coastal   Birthday Felicitations), Hangonchunxiao (Spring Morning in the Han Palace),
                        Guo Weiqi, Head of the Art History Department at Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts
                                                                                                               areas.  Gifting folding screens as a form of birthday present was popular   and Qunxianheshou (Saints/Immortals Ofering Birthday Congratulations),
                                                                                                               in the Ming and Qing dynasties. Besides their appearance in bijixiaoshuo   the scene is in fact uniquely meaningful. It can be seen as a map illustrating
                                                                                                               (literary sketches), many screens have survived to this day. During the  the southeast waters of China, as well as an engaging painting of the people
          This  magnifcent  12-panel  coromandel  lacquer  screen  from  the  embellished with gold and silver. The present screen is a masterpiece   Kangxi  period,  coromandel  screens  were  more  prominent;  golden  celebrating a birthday on Nan’ao Island. On the right, the island of Nan’ao
          Kangxi period stands 290 cm tall and circa 625 cm wide. In 2004,   in its own right. Intrinsically detailed and vibrantly coloured, the  lacquer screens only became more popular in late Qing. Written in 1699   is seen, where the castle city disproportionately occupies the heart of the
          it was exhibited in the Palace of Versailles in Paris, as illustrated in   human fgures, architecture, landscape, boat vessels and auspicious   (10  th  year of the Kangxi reign), this birthday congratulatory message  island. The layout of the castle city, walls, gates and buildings is consistent
          the catalogue Kangxi Empereur de Chine 1662-1722: La cité interdite   patterns are highly sumptuous. The ocean waves interspersed across   was dedicated to General Zhou Hongsheng, the second commander at   with the Nan’ao maps illustrated in the annals published in the Kangxi
          à  Versailles  (Kangxi  Emperor  of  China  1662-1722:  The  Forbidden  the scene are depicted in amazing details that suggest the calibre of   the Nan’ao General Headquarters, in celebration of his sixtieth birthday,   period. Meanwhile, the Nan’ao General Headquarters, where the celebration
          City  in  Versailles).  This  type  of  decorative  screen  is  often  called  craftsmanship.        coinciding with his second year in Nan’ao. Before his stint in Nan’ao, he   is taking place, is also disproportionately depicted at the centre of the castle
          coromandel  lacquer  screen  in  Europe.  They  are  actually  kuancai   The  front  of  the  screen  is  a  continuous  scene,  while  the  reverse  distinguished himself in the battles in Taku, Tianjin, as well as in Kangxi-  city.  Huge  banners  with  the  character  shuai  (commander-in-chief)  wave
          coloured lacquer folding screens as noted in Xiushilu  (On  Lacquer  is  decorated  with  celebratory  inscriptions.  The  inscriptions  are  led battles against Galdan Khan, for which he was honoured by the  valiantly at the front of the Headquarters. Though echoing the scene from
          Decoration)  compiled  by  Ming-period  scholar  Huang  Dacheng.  presented by Zeng Huagai, a local socialite in Nan’ao, in beautiful  emperor, who rewarded Zhou with his personal imperial battle armour. A   Guo  Ziyi  Receiving  Birthday  Felicitations,  the  people  in  the  painting  are
          The  technique  is  used  to  decorate  folding  screens  where  lacquer  regular script, while gold powder is added to the varnish. A list of 22   dozen woodblock printed volumes, including Longmenxianzhi (Longmen   actually “real” people. The commander sits imposingly in the main hall, in
          is applied over a softwood core. Then, similar to woodblock cutting,   people, including Yang Jiarui, ofer their birthday congratulations at   County Annals) during Kangxi reign and Jiangnantongzhi  (General  front of which deer and Manchurian cranes roam the courtyard. Seemingly
          patterns and designs are carved out of the lacquer layer. The resulting   the end of the inscriptions. The borders are adorned with auspicious   History of Jiangnan), all had records about Zhou.   comparable to a normal birthday congratulatory screen, the real-life details
          grooves are flled in with coloured lacquer or oil paint, and sometimes   “hundred  antiques”  emblems  —  wine  vessels,  treasured  swords,

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