Page 63 - Moments of Flash April 3, 2017 Hong Kong
P. 63


EXHIBITED                                                       ᆂ㻪喟
Hackney, 1936 (another edition)                                 ᳄㗜喑̭Ί̶̰Ꭱ喍ओ̭❵᪥喎
Lincoln, 1937 (another edition)                                 䭬❫ࣷ❫喑̭Ί̶̰Ꭱ喍ओ̭❵᪥喎
Algiers , 1937 (another edition)                                $BUIB喑̭Ί̶̰Ꭱ喍ओ̭❵᪥喎
Catha, 1937 (another edition)                                   㒻సす࡮‫ښ‬ᅳ"1℁䈪喑ớ䂪⡻喑̭Ί̶̰Ꭱ喍ओ̭❵᪥喎
A.P. 16th Competition, U.S.A., (Honorable Mention), 1937        (&ᾌᷝⵁ⾣᝭喑̭Ί̶̰Ꭱ喍ओ̭❵᪥喎
(another edition)                                               з❫⺼ᓤ喑̭Ί̶̰Ꭱ喍ओ̭❵᪥喎
G.E. Mechanic Institute, 1937 (another edition)                 ࢄጹ❫㡟喑̭Ί̶‫ژ‬Ꭱ喍ओ̭❵᪥喎
Ilford, 1937 (another edition)                                  ⻾➦䈡‫ٸ‬喑̭Ί̶‫ژ‬Ꭱ喍ओ̭❵᪥喎
South Shields, 1938 (another edition)                           ⏘ᓤ❫⇆໳喑̭Ί̶‫ژ‬Ꭱ喍ओ̭❵᪥喎
Courtrai, 1938 (another edition)                                ᓤᶲᖖ喑̭Ί̶ΊᎡ喍ओ̭❵᪥喎
Windlesham, 1938 (another edition)                              䀫๘‫ٸ‬喑̭ΊఈȓᎡ喍ओ̭❵᪥喎
Des Moines, 1939 (another edition)                              ∏᫜䵀すιᅳ㜗♣喑̭Ίఈ̭Ꭱ喍ओ̭❵᪥喎
Norfolk, 1940 (another edition)                                 㤟๴ൎ喑̭Ίఈ̭Ꭱ喍ओ̭❵᪥喎
Boston 2nd Nature, 1941 (another edition)                       㒻స喑ඁ⻾⦗喑ớ䂪⡻喑̭Ίఈ̭Ꭱ喍ओ̭❵᪥喎
Fitchburg, 1941 (another edition)                               Ȧ䗻䲉ᆞ㾖⪘ᘼ䋐ᩊᒞᆂȧझࡄጯ⿸㒻㶀乕喑झࡄ喑̭Ί‫ژژ‬Ꭱ
Tacoma, U.S.A., (Honorable Mention), 1941 (another edition)     Ίᰵ̭ᬒ㜠࡮ιᰵఈᬒ喍ओ̭❵᪥喎
Taipei, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Idylic Composite Pictures By   Ȧ⪘ᒞ↌ᆞƉ䗻䲉ᆞᩊᒞ҉৮➦ᆂȧ⎃ࡄⰮࢇ➖乕喑ₓ⑏喑ιȓ
Chin-San Long, 1 September – 4 December, 1988 (another          ̭ιᎡఈᰵ࡮ᬒ㜠‫ښ‬ᰵ࡮ᬒ喍ओ̭❵᪥喎
edition)                                                        Ȧ⪘ᒞ↌ᆞƉ䗻䲉ᆞᩊᒞ҉৮➦ᆂȧႶᓪࢇ➖乕喑व㗒喑ιȓ̭
Wuhan, Hubei Provincial Museum, LANDSCAPE ON                    ιᎡ‫ښ‬ᰵ࡮ρᬒ㜠‫ژ‬ᰵ࡮‫ژ‬ᬒ喍ओ̭❵᪥喎
NEGATIVES – A Special Exhibition of Long Chih-San’s
Photographic Works, 10 April – 10 June, 2012 (another edition)  ‫❵ܧ‬喟
Hefei, An Hui Museum, LANDSCAPE ON NEGATIVES – A                Ȧ᫝⩌⪘൞ȧ‫ܷޢ‬㮌喑̭Ί̶̰Ꭱ̰ᰵ喑Ȧ‫҉ޢ‬ᒞ䯳ȧᄵ‱
Special Exhibition of Long Chih-San’s Photographic Works, 15    Ȧ䲉ᆞᩊᒞȧ͚సᩊᒞႥᰰ‫❵ܧ‬喑झࡄ喑̭Ί̰ιᎡ
June – 18 August, 2012 (another edition)                        Ȧ䲉ᆞ䯳䡓ȧ͚సᩊᒞႥᰰ‫❵ܧ‬喑झࡄ喑̭Ί‫̰ژ‬Ꭱ喑ι࡮Ί䴮
LITERATURE                                                      ‫ژژ‬Ꭱ喑ఈ࡮̭䴮
New Life Pictorial, Inaugural Volume, July 1937, Chuangzuo      ȓᎡ喑‫࡮ښ‬Ί䴮
Ying Ji Column                                                  Ȧ⪘ᘼe䯳䡓e䗻䲉ᆞȧ㪚ⅥⰈ㦄喑䯱⡲㒻㶀‫❵ܧ‬喑झࡄ喑ι
Photographic Works of Chin-San Long, The Photographic           ȓȓఈᎡ喑‫࡮ښ‬䴮
Society of China, Taipei, 1972                                  Ȧ⪘ᒞ↌ᆞƉ䗻䲉ᆞᩊᒞ҉৮➦ᆂȧ⎃ࡄⰮࢇ➖乕㌕喑᪴➖‫❵ܧ‬
Photographic Art By Chin-San Long, The Photographic Society     ⹫‫❵ܧ‬喑ࡄϙ喑ιȓ̭ιᎡ喑࡮Ί䴮
of China, Taipei, 1987, p. 29
Idylic Composite Pictures By Chin-San Long, Taipei Fine Arts
Museum, Taipei, 1988, p. 41
A Collection of Photographs By Master Long Jingshan, China
Photographic Publishing House, Shanghai, 1990, p. 69
The Spirit and The Composite Pictures, Lang Chin-San, Hsiung-
Shih Art Publisher, Taipei, 2004, p. 60
Hubei Provincial Museum, ed., LANDSCAPE ON NEGATIVES
– A Special Exhibition of Long Chih-San’s Photographic Works,
Cultural Relics Press, Beijing, 2012, p. 19

2504                                                            ‫❵ܧ‬喟
LITERATURE                                                      ȓᎡ喑̰࡮ఈ䴮
A Collection of Photographs By Master Long Jingshan, China
Photographic Publishing House, Shanghai, 1990, p. 74

2505                                                            ‫❵ܧ‬喟
Photographic Works of Chin-San Long, The Photographic
Society of China, Taipei, 1972

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