Page 65 - Moments of Flash April 3, 2017 Hong Kong
P. 65
沙勒羅瓦 ,一九三六年(另一版數)
Charleroi, 1936 (another edition) 林肯,一九三七年(另一版數)
Lincoln, 1937 (another edition) 里斯本,一九三七年(另一版數)
Lisbon, 1937 (another edition) 斯克蘭頓,一九三七年(另一版數)
Scranton, 1937 (another edition) 阿姆斯特丹,一九三七年(另一版數)
Amsterdam, 1937 (another edition) 波斯頓,一九三七年(另一版數)
Boston , 1937 (another edition) 底特律,一九三七年(另一版數)
Detroit, 1937 (another edition) G.E.機械研究所,一九三七年(另一版數)
G.E. Mechanic Institute, 1937 (another edition) 加侖新聞,一九三七年(另一版數)
Gallon Press, 1937 (another edition) 摩納哥,一九三七年(另一版數)
Monaco, 1937 (another edition) 土魯斯,一九三七年(另一版數)
Toulouse, 1937 (another edition) 伯肯黑德,一九三七年(另一版數)
Birkenhead, 1937 (another edition) 德比鐵道研究院,一九三七年(另一版數)
Derby Railway Institute, 1937 (another edition) 南希爾茲,一九三七年(另一版數)
South Shields, 1937 (another edition) 伊爾福德,一九三七年(另一版數)
Ilford, 1937 (another edition) 朴茨茅斯,一九三七年(另一版數)第四十一屆南倫敦比賽,優
Portsmouth, 1937 (another edition) 異證書,一九三七年(另一版數)洛杉磯,一九三八年(另一版
41st Annual South London, England, (Diploma), 1937 (another 數)
edition) U Mostu,一九三八年(另一版數)
Los Angeles, 1938 (another edition) 科特賴克,一九三八年(另一版數)
U Mostu, 1938 (another edition) 哈克尼,一九三九年(另一版數)
Courtrai, 1938 (another edition) 韋茅斯,一九三九年(另一版數)
Hackney , 1939 (another edition) 朗科恩,一九三九年(另一版數)
Weymouth, 1939 (another edition) 第十屆比利時布魯塞爾國際藝術展,一九三九年(另一版數)
Runcon, 1939 (another edition) 萊德,一九三九年(另一版數)
X International Bruxelles, Belgium, 1939 (another edition) 薩格勒布,一九四○年(另一版數)
RydeI, 1939 (another edition) 紐波特,一九四一年(另一版數)
Zagreb, 1940 (another edition) 諾丁漢,一九四六年(另一版數)
Newport, 1941 (another edition) 〈郎靜山詩畫意趣攝影展〉台北市立美術館,台北,一九八八年
Nottingham, 1946 (another edition) 九月一日至十二月四日(另一版數)
Taipei, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Idylic Composite Pictures 〈畫影江山─郎靜山攝影作品特展〉湖北省博物館,武漢,二○
By Chin-San Long, 1 September – 4 December, 1988 一二年四月十日至六月十日 (另一版數)
(another edition) 〈畫影江山─郎靜山攝影作品特展〉安徽博物館,合肥,二○一
Wuhan, Hubei Provincial Museum, LANDSCAPE ON 二年六月十五日至八月十八日(另一版數)
NEGATIVES – A Special Exhibition of Long Chih-San’s
Photographic Works, 10 April – 10 June, 2012 (another 出版:
edition) 〈靜山攝影〉中國攝影學會出版,台北,一九七二年
Hefei, An Hui Museum, LANDSCAPE ON NEGATIVES – 〈靜山集錦〉中國攝影學會出版,台北,一九八七年,八十七頁
A Special Exhibition of Long Chih-San’s Photographic Works, 15 〈郎靜山詩畫意趣攝影特刊〉台北市立美術館出版,台北,一九
June – 18 August, 2012 (another edition) 八八年,一百○三頁
LITERATURE ○○四年,五十五頁
Photographic Works of Chin-San Long, The Photographic 社出版,北京,二○一二年,十八頁
Society of China, Taipei, 1972
Photographic Art By Chin-San Long, The Photographic Society
of China, Taipei, 1987, p. 87
Idylic Composite Pictures By Chin-San Long, Taipei Fine Arts
Museum, Taipei, 1988, p. 103
The Spirit and The Composite Pictures, Lang Chin-San, Hsiung-
Shih Art Publisher, Taipei, 2004, p. 55
Hubei Provincial Museum, ed., LANDSCAPE ON NEGATIVES
– A Special Exhibition of Long Chih-San’s Photographic Works,
Cultural Relics Press, Beijing, 2012, p. 18
2509 展覽:
A Collection of Photographs By Master Long Jingshan, China
Photographic Publishing House, Shanghai, 1990, p. 33