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This seal is an imperial heirloom. Masterfully carved at   此方寶璽造於大清帝國之始康熙朝,代代相傳歷經二
                             the dawn of the Qing empire, during the Kangxi period, it   個世紀,朝代覆沒之際,終賜予遷離紫禁城的末代皇
                             was passed down for generations and, two centuries later,   族,見證滿清之榮衰。
                             bestowed upon one of the last royals to have vacated the
                             Forbidden City.
                             It was the seal of a lady of culture. Known for her beauty and
                             education, Lady Hešeri, the later Dowager Imperial Noble   晉為敬懿皇貴太妃(1856-1932年),1872年,同治
                             Consort Jingyi (1856-1932), entered the Forbidden City in   (1856-75年,1861-75年在位)年間,以瑜嬪身分進
                             1872 as Concubine Yu of the Tongzhi Emperor (1856-75, r.   宮,同治帝歿後,投身詩樂,亦熱衷畫山水、墨蘭,
                             1861-75). The Consort survived her Emperor and devoted   鈐個人閒章於上,多件作品現存於北京故宮博物院
                             her long widowhood to poetry and music. She was also an   (郭福祥,《明清帝后璽印》,北京,2002年,頁
                             avid painter of landscapes and orchids. These artworks
                             must have been impressed with her seals, many of which are   187)。博學多聞,個性堅毅,皇貴太妃乃晚清皇室
                             still preserved in the Palace Museum, Beijing (Guo Fuxiang,   的重要人物。
                             Ming Qing dihou xiyin [Imperial seals of the Ming and Qing
                             dynasties], Beijing, 2002, p. 187). Knowledgeable, well-  皇貴太妃學養極佳,裕德齡(1881-1944年)初次於
                             versed and determined, she was an influential figure of the   紫禁城中拜會太妃,其居所簡樸素靜,皇貴太妃談吐
                             late Qing dynasty.                        高雅,學貫中西,音樂造詣高超,德齡回憶曾讀過多
                             The Consort was considered the best-educated lady in   首皇貴太妃所作詩詞。皇貴太妃提倡女子教育,提高
                             China. When Princess Der Ling (1881-1944) met her in a   識字率。她雖支持改革,「卻抵制任用外國傳教士作
                             minimally furnished abode in a quiet quarter of the Forbidden
                             City, she was deeply impressed by the Consort’s exceptional   為教師,畏其宗教目的,或會阻礙中國進步」(裕德
                             intelligence, musical talents and ‘knowledge of Western   齡,《清宮二年記》,紐約,1911年,頁321-22)。
                             countries and their customs’. The Princess recalled reading
                             several of her sentimental poems. The Consort was also a   1900年,外國聯軍攻入京師,慈禧太后攜光緒帝出
                             visionary advocator for female education and campaigned   逃,卻留下多數同治帝的遺妃於宮中。敬懿皇貴太妃
                             to improve illiteracy among young girls. Despite her support   據傳總攝宮中事務,以勇氣與決心穩定朝廷。總掌大
                             of reforms, she ‘was not in favour of employing missionary
                             teachers’ for fear that their religious agenda ‘would set the   權的慈禧太后過世之後,皇貴太妃逐漸開始挑戰隆裕
                             Chinese against the movement’ (Princess Der Ling, Two   太后,嶄露雄心,最終解任權臣端方(〈Tuan  Fang’s
                             Years in the Forbidden City, New York, 1911, pp. 321-322).  Degradation: A Woman’s Influence and a Selfish Dynasty
                             When the foreign troops marched into Beijing in 1900, the   Responsible for It〉,〈The Awakening East〉,《New
                             Consort was left behind by the fleeing Empress Dowager   York  Times》,1910年1月2日,頁8、12)。自同治至
                             Cixi (1835-1908), who had mostly neglected the widowed   宣統,三朝歲月中皇貴太妃長住於紫禁城中,直到
                             concubines of Tongzhi. The Consort was said to have   1924年,末帝溥儀與皇室被迫遷出。
                             led the remaining imperial household with courage and
                             determination. Upon the death of Cixi, who had kept a tight
                             grip on the reins of power, the ambitious Consort started   寶璽印面應琢於1913年,溥儀晉皇貴太妃封號時。取
                             openly challenging the authority of Empress Dowager   清初舊璽為材,不知是遜帝所選或是皇貴太妃自選。
                             Longyu (1868-1913), eventually resulting in the dismissal of   寶璽以單塊檀香木雕成,異獸鈕蹲踞於上,肩背以卷
                             the notable official Duanfang (see ‘Tuan Fang’s Degradation:   紋相飾,一足略抬,彷若抓搔姿態,生動洋溢,展現
                             A Woman’s Influence and a Selfish Dynasty Responsible for   康熙朝工藝水平之高。北京故宮博物院藏一件康熙帝
                             It’ and ‘The Awakening East’, New York Times, 2nd January
                             1910, pp. 8 and 12). For three reigns, from Tongzhi to   的檀香木璽,形制與本品類同,印文「育德勤民」,
                             Xuantong, the Consort resided in the Forbidden City and only   藏品編號:故00166445。另一例,印文「敬天勤民」
                             moved out when the royal family, including Puyi (1906-67),   ,2016年4月5日售於香港蘇富比,編號3101(圖一)
                             was forced to vacate the Palace in 1924.  。比較皇貴太妃的另一寶璽,晚清風格印鈕,現藏於
                             The seal face must have been carved around 1913 when   北京故宮博物院,藏品編號:故00167522-3/3。
                             Puyi bestowed on her the Imperial Noble Consort Jingyi
                             title. Whether it was a generous gift from the abdicated last
                             emperor or a choice of the influential Lady, the antique seal
                             was selected and repurposed. Carved from a single block
                             of wood, surmounted by a stoutly built recumbent mythical
                             beast with shoulders and haunches defined with stylised
                             scrolls, animated with one of its four-toed paw feet raised
                             as if to scratch itself, the present seal demonstrates the
                             unparalleled artistry of the Kangxi period. A comparable
                             tanxiangmu seal of the Kangxi Emperor, surmounted by
                             a similar mythical beast, with the inscription yude qinmin
                             (‘cultivate morality and serve thy people’), is in the Palace
                             Museum, Beijing, accession no. Gu 00166445. Another
                             example, with the inscription jingtian qinmin (‘revere Heaven
                             and serve thy people’), was sold in these rooms, 5th April
                             2016, lot 3101 (fig. 1). Compare another seal of the Consort,
                             but with a late Qing dynasty knob, still preserved in Beijing,
                             accession no. Gu 00167522-3/3.
                                                                             fig. 1. A imperial tanxiangmu ‘Jingtian qinmin’ seal,
                                                                             Qing dynasty, Kangxi period, Sotheby’s Hong
                                                                             Kong, 5th April 2016, lot 3101
                                                                             圖一 清康熙 康熙帝御寶檀香木異獸鈕「敬天勤
                                                                             民」方璽 香港蘇富比2016年4月5日,編號3101

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