Page 170 - Sothebys HK Dragon Emperor April 2024
P. 170

Mr Y.C. Chen (1922-2012) and Dr. Chan Chi Chin

                      PROPERTY FROM THE COLLECTION OF                                                                                          陳子謙醫生珍藏
                      DR. CHAN CHI CHIN

                                                                                                                                               拍品編號 3644-3665
                      LOTS 3644-3665

                      Dr. Chan Chi Chin is a distinguished plastic surgeon based   passion for collecting intensified. He continued to acquire   陳子謙醫生是新加坡伊麗莎白醫院整形外科的醫中翹                 陳先生的指引下慢慢集成自己的收藏。二人的友誼源
                      at Mount Elizabeth Hospital in Singapore. He is also a   more pieces over the years under Mr. Y.C. Chen’s guidance.      楚,更是一位充滿情懷的骨董收藏家,專攻中國官窰                   於對中國瓷器的熱愛,且在互相信任中日漸深厚。
                      passionate collector of antiques, with a particular focus on   Their friendship and relationship stemmed from their      瓷器。
                      Chinese porcelain.                        common interest and passion for Chinese ceramics and was                                                                 陳醫生依然記得陳先生於新加坡造訪自家時的情景,
                      He was captivated by the intricate details, aesthetic beauty,   firmly rooted in mutual trust.                           陳醫生對中國藝術品的靈巧技藝及雋永美感心往神                    深感榮幸有陳先生作為他築建收藏的顧問及良師。陳
                      and masterful craftsmanship of the Chinese works of art,   Dr. Chan cherishes the memories of Mr. Y.C. Chen’s visit to
                      which were further enhanced and inspired by his association   his home in Singapore, and feels fortunate and honoured to   馳,而他與著名收藏家兼古董商陳玉階的邂逅更啟發                 醫生對陳先生的敬佩無以言表,認為自身的骨董學識
                      with Mr. Y.C. Chen, a prominent and respected dealer   have had Mr. Y.C. Chen as his advisor and mentor in building      他對中國藝術品上下求索。陳玉階先生對中國瓷器孜                   大多歸功於他。
                      of Chinese ceramics and porcelain. Mr. Y.C. Chen was   up his collection. Dr. Chan admires Mr. Y.C. Chen greatly,        孜不倦、學識淵博且慧眼如炬,故而聲名遠播。1989
                      renowned for his passion, expertise, and discerning eye for   and attributes much of his knowledge of antiques to him.   年,陳醫生經一位同窗藏友引薦結識陳先生,並在其                   陳醫生決定委託蘇富比釋出藏品,希望與更多的收藏
                      Chinese ceramics and porcelain.           Dr. Chan’s decision to sell his collection through Sotheby’s is                推薦下購入人生中第一件藏品—乾隆粉藍釉長頸瓶(                   同好分享喜悅與心得,並祈願藏品再得好歸宿,遇新
                      Dr. Chan met Mr. Y.C. Chen in Hong Kong in 1989 through a   motivated by his desire to share his joy and appreciation with   拍品編號3644),從此收藏熱情愈發強烈,多年來在             主珍視每件藏品所蘊含的歷史及文化奧義。
                      classmate who shared his interest in Chinese antiques. He   a broader audience, and hopes that his collection will find
                      purchased his first piece, a clair-de-lune-glazed bottle vase   new homes and owners who will value and appreciate the
                      (lot 3644) on Mr. Y.C. Chen’s recommendation, and his   rich history and culture behind each piece.

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