Page 168 - Sothebys HK Dragon Emperor April 2024
P. 168


             A BLUE AND WHITE ‘DRAGON’ ZHADOU,          明正德   青花龍穿纏枝蓮紋渣斗
             MARK AND PERIOD OF ZHENGDE                 《正德年製》款
             d. 15.5 cm
             PROVENANCE                                 倫敦佳士得1976年4月5日,編號161
             Christie’s London, 5th April 1976, lot 161.  玫茵堂收藏
             Meiyintang collection.                     香港蘇富比2011年4月7日,編號60
             Sotheby’s Hong Kong, 7th April 2011, lot 60.
             LITERATURE                                 康蕊君,《玫茵堂中國陶瓷》,倫敦,1994-2010年,
             Regina Krahl, Chinese Ceramics from the Meiyintang   卷2,編號686
             Collection, London, 1994-2010, vol. 2, no. 686.

             HK$ 1,500,000-2,500,000
             US$ 192,000-320,000

             This dragon-and-lotus design was particularly favoured   渣斗紋樣妍巧精細,觀之如活龍騰躍纏枝蓮間,遊龍
             at the Zhengde court and became one of the most   矯健而蓮花曼妙,動感十足,寓意祥瑞,教人注目難
             characteristic ornamentations of imperial porcelains of this   忘。穿花龍紋可追溯至明初御窰,時至正德,甚得上
             reign, where the design also appears on dishes, bowls and
             stem bowls of this reign. The form of this jar - globular shape   心而備受鍾愛。加之本品釉質油潤,器型周正,此皆
             with its wide everted rim - was derived from archaic bronze   本朝顯徵。渣斗之形,腹部圓碩如球,口沿寬敞外
             zun, and was later transferred to the porcelain medium in the   擴,源自高古青銅尊造型,瓷質渣斗則早見於十五
             early 15th century. Over the centuries, the rim became wider   世紀初。歷時數百載,器型略有演變,口愈大而身漸
             and the body more compact.
             Zhengde zhadou of this type are held in museums and
             important private collections worldwide; see an example in   相類作例可見於重要博物館及私人收藏,如北京
             the Beijing Palace Museum, illustrated in Imperial Porcelains
             from the Reign of Hongzhi and Zhengde in the Ming Dynasty,   故宮博物院藏例,圖載於《明代弘治正德御窰瓷
             Beijing, 2017, vol. 2, cat. no. 181; another in the Taipei Palace   器》,北京,2017年,卷2,編號181;台北故宮博物
             Museum (accession no. zhongci-004978N000000000); one   院一例(館藏編號:中瓷004978);另一例現展於
             currently on display at the Hong Kong Palace Museum; and a   香港故宮文化博物館;大維德爵士雅蓄亦見一例,
             further example from the Sir Percival David Collection in the   現藏倫敦大英博物館(館藏編號:PDF,A.682)。
             British Museum (accession no. PDF,A.682).

             Examples held in prominent private collections include one   尚有重要私人收藏類例可資比較,如  L.F.  Hay、H.M.
             from the collections of L.F. Hay, H.M. Knight and Frederick
             Knight, sold three times by Sotheby’s in 1939, 1982 and   Knight  及  Frederick  Knight  遞藏例,曾三度售於蘇富
             lastly in our New York rooms, 15th June 1983, lot 278;   比:倫敦1939年,香港1982年,及紐約1983年6月15
             another from the collection of Ira and Nancy Koger, first   日,編號278;Ira  及  Nancy  Koger  伉儷珍藏一例,
             sold at Christie’s New York, 19th September 2006, lot 245,   先售於紐約佳士得2006年9月19日,編號245,再售於
             and again in our Hong Kong rooms, 8th October 2013,   香港蘇富比2013年10月8日,編號212;天民樓雅蓄一
             lot 212; one from the Tianminlou Collection, sold in these
             rooms, 3rd April 2019, lot 13, and a further example from   例,釋於香港蘇富比2019年4月3日,編號13;再比
             the Leshantang Collection, sold in these rooms, 8th October   較樂山堂舊藏一例,易手於香港蘇富比2023年10月8
             2023, lot 124.                             日,編號124。

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