Page 232 - Sothebys HK Dragon Emperor April 2024
P. 232


             PROPERTY FROM THE DE AN TANG COLLECTION    清乾隆   白玉雕高士仙山圖筆筒
             AN EXCEPTIONAL AND FINELY CARVED           來源:
             WHITE JADE BRUSHPOT,                       紐約蘇富比1986年4月10日,編號199
             wood stand
             11 cm                                      展覽
             PROVENANCE                                 北京,2004年,編號2
             Sotheby’s New York, 10th April 1986, lot 199
             Sotheby’s Hong Kong, 25th April 2004, lot 13.

             A Romance with Jade: From the De An Tang Collection,
             Yongshougong, Palace Museum, Beijing, 2004, cat. no. 2.

             HK$ 600,000-800,000
             US$ 77,000-103,000

             This white jade brushpot is striking for its exceptional quality   The Qianlong Emperor fervently promoted the idea of
             of both the stone as well as the carving. Skilfully carved with   infusing jade carvings with the essence of classical paintings,
             a scene that unravels like a scroll painting white the turning   elevating the jade brushpot became to an important
             of the vessel, the brushpot captures a sense of harmony   medium for pictorial subjects. Many of these ‘pictorial’
             and ethereality by balance the object with the void, intricate   brushpots faithfully illustrate historical events or stories as
             detail with polished surfaces. The exceptional quality of the   memorialized in classical paintings, whilst others interpret
             semi-translucent stone is highlighted through the minimally   their source material ingeniously, aiming to encapsulate the
             carved areas. The decoration adheres to the tradition of   spirit of China’s vibrant tradition of landscape painting. For a
             Chinese painting, where the material’s surface is treated   similarly carved but larger white jade brushpot in the Palace
             as a horizontal scroll. As the brushpot is turned, the motif   Museum, Beijing, see The Complete Collection of Treasures
             unfurls before the viewer, unveiling a new perspective   of the Palace Museum, Jadeware (III), Hong Kong, 1995,
             of the landscape with each scene. This unique quality   no. 167.
             allows the brushpot to be admired from various vantage
             points, transforming it into an object of multi-dimensional

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